New Stats about Georgetown Crime Shock Many
By July 19, 2011 0 1220
•Crime in Georgetown is reportedly changing for the worse. Compared to the same time last year, Georgetown’s total crime has decreased, yet there have been startling rises in violent crimes and burglaries.
Dating from May 23 to June 21 in 2011, violent crime increased in Georgetown by 233 percent and burglaries increased by 350 percent, compared to the same time in 2010. This dramatic increase has shocked local residents and has caused much concern.
Numbers are rising not just annually, but monthly as both burglaries and violent crimes increased from May to June: 100 percent for violent crimes, and 50 percent for burglaries. The spike was influenced by the seven robberies and three assaults with a dangerous weapon, even though Commander Michael Reese expected a dip in crime due to the arrests of four burglars.
The too-common property crimes in Georgetown decreased this path month compared to 2010 statistics but, unfortunately rose compared to May 2011. However, sexual assaults dropped compared to both last year by 100 percent and last month by 200 percent.
Last week at the Citizens Advisory Meeting, Reese did not comment about the new statistics because Chief Cathy Lanier was addressing the redistricting realignment issues.