The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will be meet June 2 at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW, Heritage Room, Founders Hall, first building on left by gatehouse, second floor.
Approval of the Agenda
• Approval of June 2, 2014, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda
• Approval of April 28, 2014, Meeting Minutes
• Designation of ANC 2E Secretary
• Public Safety and Police Report
• Financial Report – Approval of 2nd Quarterly Financial Report 2014
• Transportation Report
• DPW Report
Community Commendation
• Commendation for Francisco Fimbres
Community Comment
• Status of Hyde-Addison School construction plans
New Business
• Proposed school boundary change for Burleith residents
• American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure – September 27, 2014
• 34th Annual Four Seasons Sprint Four the Cure 5K – September 20, 2014
• Bike and pedestrian safety on K and Water Streets, NW
• Request by Safeway to amend a Settlement Agreement to change permitted sales hours from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The following establishments are not anticipated to be reviewed by ANC 2E. Please contact ANC 2E by Friday, May 30, if you have an issue.
• 1201 28th Street, NW, Das Ethiopian, License No. ABRA-086644, Substantial change application closing change from 11pm to 2am (Petition Date June 16)
• 1338 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Smith Point, License No. ABRA-060131, Substantial change application (class change from CR to CT license) (Petition Date June 16)
• 3003 M Street, NW, I-Thai — license renewal (Petition Date June 2)
DDOT Public Space
• 3050 K Street, NW, DDOT Tracking Number 10128676, Fiola Mare, Application for a valet staging zone
• 2709 N Street, NW, Alexander Memorial Baptist Church, BZA Application No. 18780, Application for variances from the lot area, lot occupancy, rear yard, and side yard requirements to convert a church into two one-family dwellings, (Hearing Date June 17)
Old Georgetown Board
MAJOR AND PUBLIC PROJECTS SMD 06, 2715 N Street NW, OG 14-143 (HPA 14-283) Alexander Memorial Baptist Church – Rectory, Alterations, Concept
SMD 06, 2709 and 2717 N Street NW, OG 14-225 (HPA 14-430) Alexander Memorial Baptist Church – Church and Vacant Lot, Alterations and New Construction, Concept
G?overnment of the District of Columbia, DC DDOT, Various locations, Bike Racks on streets or sidewalks
Government of the District of Columbia, Department of General Services, DC Department of Parks and Recreation, Rose Park, Alterations to playground, ADA ramp, Concept
SMD 05, 3601-3607 M Street, NW, OG 14-113 (HPA 14-220) Residential, New building, Concept
1. SMD 03, 1525 34th Street, NW, OG 14-205 (HPA 14-410) Residence, Site
work at front yard: fences, storage bins, walkway, gates – existing, Permit
2. SMD 03, 1519 35th Street, NW, OG 14-223 (HPA 14-428) Residence, Alterations to rear, Concept, For review by Historic Preservation Review Board
3. SMD 03, 3225 N Street, NW, OG 14-196 (HPA 14-399) Residence, Alterations to basement entrance, Concept
4. SMD 03, 3265 N Street, NW, OG 14-187 (HPA 14-380) Residence, Alterations to rear, addition, Permit
5. SMD 03, 3265 N Street, NW, OG 14-209 (HPA 14-414) Residence, Alterations to garage, Concept
6. SMD 03, 3310 Volta Place, NW, OG 14-203 (HPA 14-407) Residence, Replacement windows and door, alterations to rear, Concept
7. SMD 05, 3000 K Street, NW, OG 14-179 (HPA 14-350) Mixed-use, Outdoor café, alterations to storefront, awnings, signs – Mama Rouge, Permit
8. SMD 05. 3000 M Street, NW, OG 14-130 (HPA 14-270) Mixed-use, Partial demolition, addition, alterations, Revised Concept
9. SMD 05, 3328 M Street, NW, OG 14-221 (HPA 14-426) Commercial, Awnings at 2nd floor windows, sign, banner – Calligaris, Permit
10. SMD 05, 3410 Prospect Street, NW, OG 14-206 (HPA 14-411) Residence, Alterations to rear, terraces, Concept
11. SMD 06, 2929 M Street, NW, OG 14-182 (HPA 14-354) Commercial, Alterations at ATM, Concept
12. SMD 06, 3061 M Street, NW, OG 14-195 (HPA 14-397) Commercial, Alterations to storefront, Concept
13. SMD 06, 2919 Dumbarton Street, NW, OG 14-219 (HPA 14-424) Residence, Replace roof, rooftop mechanical equipment, Permit
14. SMD 07, 1607 31st Street, NW, OG 14-183 (HPA 14-358) Residence, Rebuild retaining wall and wood fence, Concept
15. SMD 07, 2611 P Street, NW, OG 14-212 (HPA 14-417) Commercial/Residence, Replacement windows, awning and blade signs – Poliform – Sagart Studio, Concept
16. SMD 07, 2500 Q Street, NW, OG 14-188 (HPA 14-385) Gateway Georgetown Condominiums, Rooftop antennas and enclosure (for Verizon), Permit
17. SMD 07, 2823 Q Street, NW, OG 14-152 (HPA 14-321) Residence, Replace door surround, Permit
18. SMD 07, 2911 Q Street, NW, OG 14-180 (HPA 14-351) Residence, Green roof on garage, site alterations, fences, Permit
19. SMD 07, 2913 Q Street, NW, OG 14-181 (HPA 14-352) Residence, Replacement fence, site alterations, Permit
No Review At This Time by ANC 2E:
The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming June 5, 2014, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, May 30, 2014.
1. SMD 02, 3336 Dent Place, NW, OG 14-175 (HPA 14-346) Residence, 3- story rear addition, alterations to front, Concept
2. SMD 03, 1236 33rd Street, NW, OG 14-211 (HPA 14-416) Residence, Demolition of rear garage, new garage, Permit
3. SMD 03, 1405 34th Street, NW, OG 14-202 (HPA 14-406) Residence, Rooftop HVAC equipment
4. SMD 03, 3319 O Street, NW, OG 14-204 (HPA 14-409) Residence, Replacement windows, Permit
5. SMD 03, 3332 O Street, NW, OG 14-217 (HPA 14-422) Residence, Replace wood fences with metal fences, Permit
6. SMD 03, 1357 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-084 (HPA 14-158) Commercial, Three-story rear addition, Revised Concept
7. SMD 03, 1511 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 13-229 (HPA 13-401) Commercial, Rear addition at second story, Permit – revised design (per DCRA
8. SMD 04, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-215 (HPA 14-420) Georgetown University – Regents Hall, Site work: ADA ramp and alterations, Permit
9. SMD 05, 3000 K Street, NW, OG 14-220 (HPA 14-425) Mixed-use, Wall
mounted antenna, Permit
10. SMD 05, 3256 M Street, NW, OG 14-035 (HPA 14-057) Commercial,
Rooftop antennas for Verizon, Permit
11. SMD 05, 3270 M Street, NW, OG 14-189 (HPA 14-388) Commercial,
Rooftop antennas for Sprint, Permit
12. SMD 05, 3286 M Street, NW, OG 14-034 (HPA 14-051) Commercial,
Signs, alterations to parking lot, Permit
13. SMD 05, 3314 M Street, NW, OG 14-111 (HPA 14-217) Commercial,
Alterations to Cady’s Alley: lighting, speeding tables, landscaping, Revised
14. SMD 05, 3206 Grace Street, NW, OG 14-222 (HPA 14-427) Commercial,
Awning, sign and blade sign for “Dog Tag Bakery”, door decals, Permit –
revised design
15. SMD 05, 2810 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, OG 14-190 (HPA 14-389)
Commercial, Sidewalk café on public space, awning, signs – Eno – existing, Permit
16. SMD 05, 1209-1211 Potomac Street, NW, OG 14-070 (HPA 14-112)
Restaurant (Georgetown Cupcake), Alteration to first floor window, 2nd floor replacement windows – existing, Permit
17. SMD 05, 1071 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, OG 14-194 (HPA 14-396) Mixed-use, 2-story rear addition plus basement, blade sign – Curio, Permit
18. SMD 06, 1521 29th Street, NW, OG 14-199 (HPA 14-402) Residence, Replacement wood fences, terraces, Permit
19. SMD 06, 1231-1235 31st Street, NW, OG 14-137 (HPA 14-277) Front windows, rear additions, alterations, roof terrace, Revised Concept
20. SMD 06, 2605 O Street, NW #2, OG 14-186 (HPA 14-378) Residence, Replacement windows, Permit
21. SMD 06, 2622 P Street, NW, OG 14-213 (HPA 14-418) Commercial, Blade sign – After Peacock Room, Permit
22. SMD 06, 2722 P Street, NW, OG 14-124 (HPA 14-263) Residence, Replacement windows, door, shutters, Permit
23. SMD 06, 3011 P Street, NW, OG 14-216 (HPA 14-421) Residence, Garage, Permit
24. SMD 07, 1523 28th Street, NW, OG 14-184 (HPA 14-362) Residence, Replacement windows and French door, Permit
25. SMD 07, 1623 28th Street, NW, OG 14-207 (HPA 14-412) Residence – Evermay, Greenhouse, Concept
26. SMD 07, 1699 31st Street, NW, OG 14-218 (HPA 14-423) Residence, Replacement front stairs, Concept
27. SMD 07, 2703 P Street, NW, OG 14-197 (HPA 14-400) Residence, One- story rear addition, Permit
28. SMD 07, 2516 Mill Road, NW, OG 14-146 (HPA 14-288) Residence, Rear addition and alterations, Permit
29. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-170 (HPA 14-341) Georgetown University, New construction – NET Hall, Concept – design development
30. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-159 (HPA 14-330) Georgetown University – Dahlgren Chapel, Installation of Healy Hall crosses in berm, landscaping, Revised concept
31. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-201 (HPA 14-404) Georgetown University – Ryan and Mulledy Hall, Alterations and replacement windows, Permit
32. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-214 (HPA 14-419) Georgetown University – Ryan and Mulledy Halls, Alterations and site work, Permit
33. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-191 (HPA 14-390) Georgetown University – Village C, Replacement windows
34. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-192 (HPA 14-391) Georgetown University – Village C, Masonry repair and replacement, Permit
As provided by ANC2E on May 26.
GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E — 3265 S Street, NW — Washington, D.C. 20007 — 202-724-7098 — —