Fun Facts on Bluemercury in Georgetown

– During the store’s first year, Rod Stewart was being chased by fans and ran into the

store. Barry, who was behind the counter, locked the door after letting him. He spent

thousands of dollars buying gifts for friends. “I never acknowledged who he was or

said I was the owner of the company,” Barry says. “Then I turned him loose with all

these shopping bags, walking down the street.”

– Arnold Schwarzenegger used to buy a large-size toothbrush called the Supersmile


– Anna Nicole Smith was staying at the Four Seasons and would have her limo drive her

a half a block to get a facial.

– Aerosmith would come into town and order products to be delivered backstage.

– Goldie Hawn, who is from Bethesda, used to stop in often. Mary Louise Parker too.

– The Becks came up with the name Bluemercury while sitting on the floor of Barnes &

Noble on M Street, poring over books. Marla’s favorite color is blue, and Barry, looking

in astrological books, liked “mercury,” associated with speed, plus Mercury was the god

of information. They took the name to their board of directors, who hated it and asked

them to do focus groups. Barry said, “Does anyone know what Starbucks is?” The name


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