Spicer Book Party Lights Up Trump Hotel
By July 27, 2018 0 728
Past and present White House aides turned out on July 26 to fete Sean Spicer’s memoir, “The Briefing.” Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders were among those huddled together in the packed and noisy atrium of the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. Spicer, who served a tumultuous and brief tenure as White House Press Secretary last year, stood by a step-and-repeat to pose for photos with fans and to sign copies of his new book. His former boss, Reince Priebus, who served as White House chief of staff, made his way through the crowd comprised mostly of journalists and GOP faithful. Donald Trump, Jr., and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle stopped by ever so briefly. Among those also spotted were Roger Stone and Jeffrey Lord. Sanders was besieged with selfie requests and Conway, still fresh and vibrant despite an early morning Fox News segment, glad handed too. White House Social Secretary Rickie Niceta, carrying three copies of the book to be signed, was seen standing in line like everyone else.

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer talks with Carrie Sheffield, who was among the hundreds of guests. Photo by Patrick G. Ryan.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckebee Sanders. Photo by Patrick G. Ryan.

Sean Spicer with Yellow Ribbon Fund warrior. Photo by Patrick G. Ryan.

Michael Lindell — “the My Pillow guy” — with former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Photo by Patrick G. Ryan.