31st St. Stabbing Upsets Neighborhood
By November 29, 2018 0 1329
When word of a stabbing pinged along text messages of those at a reception a block away, concerns about police sirens along Q Street in Georgetown were confirmed. And as 30th Street was shut down for investigation between Q and R Streets around 7 p.m., traffic during the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 28, got a little worse. It’s just part of living in the city.
According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the stabbing victim had met earlier near Howard University with two persons in a car, which found its way to Georgetown. MPD’s public narrative reads: “V-1 reports he entered a vehicle with S-1 and S-2, who were both unknown to him, near Howard University to smoke marijuana. Later, at the listed location, V-1 reported either S-1 or S-2 began to stab V-1 in both arms with an unknown object while he was seated in the vehicle. V- 1 obtained the listed injuries during the offense. V-1 exited the vehicle and ran to seek medical assistance.”
It was “Assault with a Dangerous Weapon,” according to MPD, with the offense location given as 1633 31st St. NW. Aggravated assault factors? “Unknown circumstances,” wrote MPD, which filled the event time as 6:51 to 9:14 p.m.
One Georgetown resident, going to her car after a neighbor’s reception, found it held by the police. Her car was covered with the victim’s blood from the stabbing. Later, she retrieved her car from 31st Street and Avon Lane.
The young man cut in the arms is expected to be all right.