Thank you to our front-line workers!

During this pandemic, however long or harsh its reign, front-line workers are holding down the fort as many of us stay home. They are the essential ones.

In our not-quite-united nation, we debate the extent and severity of COVID-19 and argue about when states may begin to reopen businesses to avoid the double blow of a shattered economy and lost jobs. It seems our partisan fights never really left us.

Still, an attitude of gratitude appears to encircle us, to help us continue.

All the while, doctors, nurses and support staff — whether at MedStar Georgetown University, George Washington University, Sibley Memorial or other nearby hospitals and health care facilities — continue to arrive at work to heal, comfort and flatten the curve.

All the while, the Metropolitan Police Department and DC Fire & EMS continue their routine and extraordinary duties.

Grocery workers from Safeway, Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and 7-Eleven continue to stock the aisles and get us through the register. They are stressed, and some have gotten sick.

U.S. Postal workers continue their routes with ever more needed packages, along with fellow UPS and FedEx drivers.

Transportation workers — bus and train and taxi drivers — continue to keep moving, taking us where we need to go.

Sanitation workers, too, continue to arrive at homes and businesses to drag out our trash.

And, lest we forget, we owe farmers our gratitude for continuing to reap the harvest of the good, green earth.

Nurse customizes her face mark. Courtesy MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

U.S. Postal Service worker James Wilson on O Street NW at Rose Park. Photo by Peggy Sands.

Tsige Sebsibe and Girma Hailu, owners of the 7-Eleven at 2617 P St. NW, have fitted their store to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and offer senior citizens a special checkout space.
Photo by Robert Devaney.



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