Open 2044: Holy Trinity’s Covid Time Capsule
By June 7, 2021 0 1188
Holy Trinity parishioners gathered at the Saint Ignatius Chapel Garden after the 9 o’clock Mass June 6 to bury a Covid Time Capsule that will be opened 23 years from now. The metal box contains aspects of life during the COVID-19 pandemic that those in 2044 will ponder in their day.
Placed in a box to be opened during the 250th anniversary of Holy Trinity Parish are artifacts, media — print and digital — and periodicals, including several issues of The Georgetowner. The Time Capsule Committee included Mary Moran, John George, Peter Higgins, Helene Flanagan, Lisa Dittmeier, and Karelia Pallen.
Recently, Holy Trinity School celebrated its 200th anniversary, and Holy Trinity Parish celebrated its 225th. With the pandemic, social justice and other events in mind, parishioners are looking ahead to years 2043 and 2044 for the school’s 225th and the church’s 250th anniversaries. (Holy Trinity School buried its own capsule on June 4 to be opened in 2043 for its 225 anniversary.)
“As we prepare to bury this time capsule with all that we’ve collected — newspapers, homilies, photos, masks and videos — for a future generation to open, let us pause and remember the lives lost, the challenges faced and the efforts made to bring us through the pandemic,” said Rev. Kevin Gillespie, S.J., Pastor of Holy Trinity. “Let this moment remain in our hearts and minds as a reminder that all that we are and all that we possess God has given to us.”
With that, the box was lowered into the ground with a sign indicating its place and purpose, along with a quote from Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.: “The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope.”

Do not dig up until 2044: the Holy Trinity time capsule is lowered by John George and Peter Maye into the ground June 6. Georgetowner photo.

Georgetowner photo.