Tech Tip: Don’t Just Close Your Browser

April 22, 2019

If you simply close your browser, some of the session information is still running in the background —  and a hacker may be able to use that to gain entry.

Tech Tip: Make This Password Different From All the Others

April 14, 2019

If an e-commerce site you’ve registered at or bought from gets hacked, and you’ve used the same password you use for everything else, hackers are going to gain access to your in-box.

Tech Tip: Set Up Bank Alerts Now

April 8, 2019

Setting up those alerts will allow you to spot and report fraudulent activity before the money has already been siphoned into a cybercriminal’s hands.

Tech Tip: Work Computers and Devices Are Only for One Thing

April 1, 2019

If you’re using a company device to access a compromised account, you’re opening up a door to a hacker, who can then get into your company’s network.

Tech Tip: Don’t Use Public WiFi Until You Read This

March 25, 2019

It’s not uncommon for hackers to set up fake clones of public WiFi access points to try and get you to connect to their WiFi over the legitimate, safe one being made available for public use.

Tech Tip: What to Do Before You Go to Starbucks

March 11, 2019

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Here’s how to protect your data in advance of loss or theft of your device.

Tech Tip: Remove That Unwanted ‘Freeware’

March 4, 2019

Clutter is the enemy of a speedy PC. Unused software sucks up processing speed and — even worse — leaves the door open to hackers and malware. 

Tech Tip: If You Installed It, You Must Update It

February 25, 2019

Once a known vulnerability is announced via a patch, hackers get to work like crazy, trying to figure out how to use that vulnerability to gain access to users who are lazy about installing updates.

Tech Tip: Never Connect to Company Data on a Personal Device

February 11, 2019

If you are working on a home PC and not diligently updating and monitoring the antivirus software, firewall and security patches on the machine, then there’s a high probability you’re infected with spyware or malware.

Tech Tip: How to Spot a Phishing Email

February 4, 2019

Designed to look like a legitimate request from a site you trust, these emails are meant to get you to willingly give up your login information — or to download a virus.