Tech Tip: Bookmark the Websites You Frequently Visit

January 13, 2020

Here’s a sneaky trick used by many hackers. They purchase and set up a fraudulent website that is a close misspelling of a legitimate one.

Tech Tip: Never Use Personal Devices to Connect to Company Data

January 6, 2020

Since most malware is designed to operate in total stealth mode, undetected, you won’t know that some hacker is watching you log in to your company’s file server or key cloud application.

Tech Tip: Remove That Unwanted ‘Freeware’

March 4, 2019

Clutter is the enemy of a speedy PC. Unused software sucks up processing speed and — even worse — leaves the door open to hackers and malware. 

Tech Tip: Bookmark the Websites You Often Visit

February 18, 2019

All you have to do is accidentally fat-finger a single letter in the real URL and up pops a very legitimate-looking fake copy of the site you were trying to get to.

Tech Tip: Never Connect to Company Data on a Personal Device

February 11, 2019

If you are working on a home PC and not diligently updating and monitoring the antivirus software, firewall and security patches on the machine, then there’s a high probability you’re infected with spyware or malware.