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Weekend Roundup: Sept. 5-8
Tech Tip: Organizing Your Emails Can Be Pretty RAD
Tech Tip: Use Strong Passwords!
December 9, 2019
•Hacking software can guess a five-character password in under three hours. If you only use lowercase letters, it’s 11.9 seconds.
Tech Tip: New Quarter, New Passwords
October 28, 2019
•If your social media account gets hacked, you don’t want the attacker to also be able to gain access to your and banking accounts simply because you used the same password for both sites.
Tech Tip: Why Is It So Important to Have Unique Passwords?
September 23, 2019
•A clever crook knows that you probably used the same password on the compromised website as you do on your eBay, Amazon and other online accounts — which are likely to be tied to a bank account.
Tech Tip: Use Strong Passwords
January 14, 2019
•Hacking software can guess a five-character password in under three hours. If you only use lowercase letters, it’s 11.9 seconds.
Tech Tip: New Quarter, New Password
December 3, 2018
•Maintaining separate passwords, and changing them at least every three months, is a lot of work, but the cybersociety we live in demands it.
Tech Tip: The Importance of Unique Passwords
October 22, 2018
•This week’s tip: No matter how much of a pain it is, it is very important to have different passwords for each of your online accounts.