Liverpool: Beatles and Birdies at the British Open

August 9, 2017

Standing beneath the liver bird-topped buildings of Liverpool, surrounded by “Scoucies” wearing Doc Martens next to statues of the Beatles, I found it hard to believe that the British Open […]

How to Travel Wisely

August 8, 2017

To travel wisely, one needs to think about why one is traveling to a specific country in the first place.

A Tony, Townie Getaway to Frederick

July 26, 2017

Stroll north from the Square Corner, the intersection of Market and Patrick Streets in downtown Frederick, Maryland, and a freestanding mansion will appear mid-block, like a bolt from the blue. […]

‘No Tax’ Relaxation With Puerto Rican Tree Frogs

February 13, 2017

The most recent, non-important, non-urgent vacation realization to dawn on me did so on an evening walk back to my room from the Plantation House at the Bahia Beach St […]