Manon Cleary’s Loving Tribute at the Arts Club

March 13, 2013

Washington lost one of its leading artists a year ago when figurative painter Manon Cleary succumbed to the lung disease she had contracted from many years of teaching in improperly ventilated studios. Her husband F. Steven Kijek memorialized his love for her and shed light on her artistry in an Evening with Extraordinary Artist series at the Arts Club Feb. 27. Kijek spoke of the classical precision gleaned through her study of Caravaggio and went on to chronicle the various stages of her work through slide and film. As he tackles five trunks of untouched archives, he hopes to bring Manon’s art to a higher level of recognition, which will require “time, money and connections.” [gallery ids="119486,119462,119469,119476,119479" nav="thumbs"]

Kuwait National Day

The 52nd Anniversary of the National Day of the State of Kuwait was elegantly celebrated at the Four Seasons Hotel Feb. 20. The prominence of Ambassador and Mrs. Salem Al Sabah was reflected in the presence of many familiar Washington leaders in the always lengthy receiving line. Much important business is conducted after office hours and this was abundantly apparent as guests exchanged greetings while sampling the exquisite international buffet. Global delights included Peking duck, chicken and beef Shawarma, lobster ravioli, crab cakes mini cheese cakes and a chocolate fountain. Departing guests received a chocolate and nut confection to savor the evening.

Muslim Women’s Association

Mrs. Fügen Tan, wife of the Ambassador of Turkey, and Rosa Tai Djalal, president of the Muslim Women’s Association and wife of the Ambassador of Indonesia, hosted members and guests at the Embassy of Turkey Feb. 28. Several members took advantage of an optional guided tour to view “The Sultan’s Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art” at the nearby Textile Museum before attending a late morning screening of “Süleiman the Magnificent,” followed by luncheon. Program chair Gamila Karjawally has the daunting responsibility of planning monthly embassy events as MWA, founded in 1960, fundraises for educational scholarships for Muslim women. Other events include the annual Muslim Women’s Bazaar and Ramadan Iftar dinners. [gallery ids="119445,119437,119466,119460,119472,119453" nav="thumbs"]

The Washington Ballet Debuts L’Amour (Love, Baby…)

February 28, 2013

Love was definitely in the air as the Washington Ballet chose Valentine’s Day to present associate artistic director David Palmer’s world premiere of “Dangerous Liaisons.” The program also included the company premiere of ballet master Elaine Kudo’s “Opposites Distract” and a second world premiere, Amy Seiwert’s “Under Covers.” The titles and costumes (some rather brief) conveyed the emotions. The audience at Sidney Harman Hall seemed inspired as couples hurried home. [gallery ids="119640,119681,119674,119648,119656,119668,119663" nav="thumbs"]

An Affair of the HeartFebruary 27, 2013

February 27, 2013

The Women?s Board of the American Heart Association Greater Washington Region held its
65th Annual An Affair of the Heart luncheon at the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel Feb. 11. The capacity crowd was again reminded that ?heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.? Kathleen Matthews officiated as mistress of ceremonies. Guests watched a video produced by Go Red for Women before enjoying a fashion show of Max Mara designs introduced by Susan Cannaday of Bloomingdale?s Chevy Chase. Grants were awarded and special prizes drawn.

St. Jude’s Gourmet Gala

February 20, 2013

The 15th Annual St. Jude’s Gourmet Gala: “Mardi Gras for the Kids” took place Feb. 12 at the National Building Museum. The event raises funds for children suffering from catastrophic and life-threatening diseases. The gala featured chefs from local restaurants and live and silent auctions. The Gourmet Gala is organized by a committee that has helped raise more than $3 million for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital and has helped support various programs including gene therapy, bone marrow transplants, immunology and AIDS vaccine research. [gallery ids="102584,119732,119702,119710,119717,119725,119736,119747,119742" nav="thumbs"]

Council on Women’s Leadership Tea

The Council on Women’s Leadership, founded in 2010 at Meridian International Center, develops and raises awareness of opportunities to accelerate women’s leadership, empowerment and entrepreneurship worldwide. The council’s goal of fostering meaningful connections and collaborations could not have been better served than by Bulgarian Ambassador Elena Poptodorova, who hosted a tea at her residence on Feb. 7. A former Member of Parliament, the ambassador spoke proudly of her country’s entry into NATO and the European Union. She said, “I love reaching out to real Washington,” which explains her heartfelt remarks about U.S.-Bulgarian diplomacy as she discussed her nation’s march to democracy. [gallery ids="102585,119699,119685,119705,119694" nav="thumbs"]

Honoring Embassy Social Secretaries

February 14, 2013

There was no lull in conversation as Meridian International Center and THIS for Diplomats honored embassy social secretaries at White-Meyer House on Feb. 5 for their valuable role in promoting cultural diplomacy. MIC president and CEO Stuart Holliday thanked “the people who make Washington work.” THIS president Phyllis Kaplan said social secretaries have provided the best link in welcoming incoming diplomats. Meridan board chair James Blanchard reported the representation of 61 embassies at the early evening reception. Chief of Protocol Capricia Penavic Marshall acknowledged Diane Brown, representing Tiffany, as “fellow soldiers in the event battlefield.” White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard hailed “a gathering or peers and friends.” [gallery ids="101161,141675,141647,141671,141654,141665,141660" nav="thumbs"]

Teddy, Screech Show Off at Ice Rink and Nick’s

The Nationals’ Young Benefactors Off- season on Ice fundraiser skated around Washington Harbour’s ice rink and Nick’s Riverside Grill Feb. 7, thanks for mascots Teddy Roosevelt and Screech. Amid the donors and influencers at Nick’s was Mike Rizzo, general manager of the Nationals, being thanked for last season and getting ready for spring training. The night raised funds for the Nationals Dream Foundation, which benefits the Neighborhood Initiative and two new non-profits: the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy and the Washington Nationals Pediatric Diabetes Care Complex at Children’s National Medical Center. [gallery ids="102583,119737,119743" nav="thumbs"]

Have-a-Heart Luncheon Honors Sitar Arts Center

Sitar Arts Center received the Washington Club’s 2013 Community Service Award at a Feb. 5 luncheon. Club president Priscilla Baker welcomed guests, who viewed a video presentation entitled “Celebrating Kids Arts and Community.”
A student said, “With art, there are no mistakes.” Ambassador Joel Perez spoke of Sitar nourishing leadership. Student Lynn Tiwari played an accomplished piano solo. Reid Dunavant repre- sented Doyle New York which had supported the awards program. Sitar Arts Center provides a safe haven in Adams Morgan where each year more than 700 underserved children and youth explore and study the visual and performing arts in programs provided by local volunteer artists and arts organizations. [gallery ids="101156,141556,141550,141533,141545,141540" nav="thumbs"]