Panel Addresses Georgetown’s Restaurant Future

May 17, 2018

Close to 200 restaurateurs, entrepreneurs and Georgetown residents packed the new Church Hall beer hall at 1080 Wisconsin Ave. NW on May 14 to hear a roundtable discussion on “Georgetown’s Restaurant Renaissance.”

Party Noise Season Begins in Georgetown

May 16, 2018

May is always a noisy month in Georgetown. Increased noise seems to come from everywhere: the doubling down of construction projects determined to finish by summer, stepped-up air traffic, birds in […]

Capital One Café Plans Proceed

Plans for a combined Capital One bank branch, a multi-story café, a coop working center and at least one community organization board room at the famous Georgetown corner of Wisconsin […]

Initiative #77: Battle Erupts Over D.C. Tipped-Employee Wage

A battle between restaurant and bar servers who want to keep earning tips on top of a minimum wage much lower than the one in effect for all other D.C. […]

Share Your Thoughts on Dockless Vehicles

Washington, D.C., is starting to look like the capital not only of the country but of “dockless” mobile transportation. Suddenly, bikes and adult scooters of all colors and sizes, some […]

Hyde-Addison Construction Behind Schedule

Almost a year has gone by since Georgetown’s only public elementary school, Hyde-Addison, located at 3246 P St. NW, was vacated to allow demolition for a two-year renovation and expansion […]

Battle Erupts Over D.C. Tipped-Employee Wage

May 14, 2018

Initiative 77, which proposes to match the lower minimum wage for tipped employees (currently $3.33) to the minimum wage for all others (currently $12.50) by 2026, is on the June 19 primary ballot.

Garden Tour Offered Verdant Variety

Two of the gardens on the May 12 tour hadn’t been shown since the tour was first organized in 1928 by Edmonia Whitehead as a community fundraiser for one of the first integrated schools in Washington, D.C.  

Christ Church Marks 200 Years

Hundreds of parishioners gathered at the Georgetown landmark for a special service commemorating the laying of the church cornerstone on May 12, 1818.

Georgetown BID Presents 3 Gateway Designs Ready for Review

May 2, 2018

Long-awaited “Georgetown Gateway” designs for three of the four major entrances into Georgetown — at K and 19th Streets, M and 28th Streets and the Georgetown side of Key Bridge — […]