Note: All submitted events must be approved before they appear in the calendar.
HumanKind opens May 20th, an installation of painted, sculpted and assembled works that celebrate how we see ourselves and one another. The artists peel back our defects to expose the raw beauty we so often overlook: our trust in ourselves, our personal resolve, our connectedness, our decency. Clearly, they want us to see it, too.
HumanKind has been two years in the making. As disease and war gripped the world, we have also concentrated on the creatives who chronicle daily life with their paint brushes, chisels, wires, needles and threads. We selected works that capture struggle and triumph, retreat and reach. Consider the dignity of the uniformed porter, standing alone along the train track; the series of Guatemalan families proudly dressed in their finest traditional textiles; a pair of life-sized silver feet moving through the white wall, all that’s still visible of the “persevering woman” who is passing through. The artists offer us an elevated view of our world that might give us the confidence and the curiosity to step up and into it; to look for that pride, that decency in one another.