Mexico Salutes “Pati’s Mexican Table”
By July 26, 2011 0 3214
On Mar. 30, Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan proudly introduced Mexico’s newest culinary star Patricia Jinich as the “culinary ambassador to the United States” at a cocktail reception at the Mexican Cultural Center prior to the launch of “Pati’s Mexican Table” which aired on WETA TV 26 on Apr. 2. It happened to be the chef’s birthday which was duly applauded. The ambassador quoted the Washington Post’s comment that Pati is “a walking antidepressant.” Her charm is indeed infectious as the celebrity chef spoke of the Mexican Cultural Center as “”my home away from home.”
- Pati Jinich, David Hagedorn, Lynne Breaux | Mary Bird
- Photo by Paul Kolnik
- Dean Alexander
- Jordan Wright