St. Luke’s Help for Haitian Hurricane Victims
By December 21, 2016 0 3944
Carole Feld welcomed guests alongside Izette Folger and Kate Damon for cocktails and conversation to celebrate the holidays Dec. 7 — and help the children and families of Haiti recover from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew. Folger’s father, Dr. Michael Maccoby, spoke movingly of Father Rick Frechette, who in 2000 inspired Haitian leaders to launch Fondation St. Luc to run medical clinics and simple schools in the shantytowns around Port au Prince. He mentioned Father Rick’s spiritual and practical confidence paired with a great sense of humor and “raising children from poverty to become leaders in their own country.” The humanitarian outreach programs now employ more than 1,000 Haitian staff members. The nonprofit U.S.-based counterpart was incorporated in 2010.
- Co-chairs Carole Feld, Kate Damon and Izette Folger.
- Jasmin Cooke; director of St. Luke Haiti, and Wynn Walent.
- Max Maccoby, Dr. Michael Maccoby and Izette Folger.
- Dr. Michael Maccoby and Michele Giacalone of the Italian Cultural Center
- Jay Massey and James Martin.