Citizens, ANC Sound Alarm on Sidewalk Repairs
By May 17, 2021 0 2466
May 15, 2021
[Via Electronic Mail]
The Honorable Muriel Bowser
Mayor, District of Columbia
Re: Georgetown’s Sidewalk Repairs
Dear Mayor Bowser,
DDOT’s destruction of Georgetown’s sidewalks continues unabated, including in locations in which the affected ANC commissioners and residents received no meaningful advance notice.
It has come to our attention that DDOT’s use of Porous Flexible Pavement to repair brick sidewalks in the Georgetown Historic District to be in blatant disregard of the requirements of Chapter 12 of Title 25 of the District of Columbia Regulations (copy attached) which require that repairs to brick sidewalks in five historic districts in Washington, including Georgetown, be made with brick. The regulation became effective in 1985. Notwithstanding the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”) rulemaking proceeding conducted under the District of Columbia Administrative Procedures Act. Over the course of the last 30 years, DDOT has complied with both the ADA and the applicable DC regulations by repairing the brick sidewalks in Georgetown with brick.
We urge you again to instruct the DDOT to pause the project so that the legality of DDOT’s activities can be determined and a meaningful discussion of how best to maintain the safety, accessibility and appearance of the brick sidewalks in Georgetown can be conducted.
Thank you for your attention to this matter of continuing and increasing importance to the residents of Georgetown.
Best regards,
Tara Sakraida Parker
President, The Citizens Association of Georgetown
Rick Murphy
Chair, ANC 2E