Georgetown Observer, December 15, 2010
By June 12, 2013 0 873
-C&O Canal News
In appreciation of his service as the C&O Canal Trust’s first Chairman of the Board of Directors, Roy Sewall was presented with a replica of the iconic National Park Service “flat hat.” Sewall, who recently completed his second term as chairman, is resigning, being replaced by David Cushwa of Hagerstown.
Sewall helped guide the Trust through its early formative years. Sewall helped guide the Trust through its early formative years. Says Matthew Logan, President of the Trust, “Roy provided a steady hand and a clear understanding of what it takes to build an organization that will be of service to the park for years to come. His contributions to our success have been immense.” Sewall remains on the Board of Directors and can be regularly found on the towpath with his ever-present camera.
It is also of note that the C&O Canal Trust is worth considering for any year-end donations, which goes to fund programs such as Canal Quarters and C&O Canal Pride Days. With growing calls to reduce the national debt, the C&O Canal National Historical Park is in particular need of the support of those who use the park. One can also become a Friend of the Canal by volunteering time and donating services to the canal. To make a tax-deductible donation or find out about volunteer and other opportunities, go to
CAG Implements new Public Safety Initiative
The Citizens Association of Georgetown has implemented a new Public Safety Initiative that aims to greatly improve the security of the neighborhood. The initiative includes: extra police officers to patrol residential streets on the weekends (called a “reimbursable detail because we pay the police department for these officers); patrol cars with the CAG logo and flashing lights for the CAG private guards; special GPS-equipped telephones to enable better communication between the guards and the police and better tracking of guard performance; a reinvigorated block captain program; and strong advocacy with the Metropolitan Police Department and elected officials that resulted in more police resources earmarked for Georgetown.
CAG is urging the neighborhood to join other residents in supporting the initiative by making donations. All donors will receive a CAG Public Safety window sticker and special information about the program, including the guards’ cell phone numbers. Go to for more information or to donate.
Metro Assault Leaves Passengers Questioning Protocol
TBD has reported that, on the night of Tuesday, December 7, an elderly man was assaulted by a group of rowdy teenagers on the metro. As the Red Line train came to a halt at the Union Station stop, one of the teens turned and threw a gallon jug of Arizona Iced Tea, from which he’d been sipping, into the older gentleman’s face. While the kids exited the train celebrating, onlookers attempted to help the victim, who was covered in tea and bleeding from his nose.
However, matters only became worse as the man’s fellow passengers attempted to use the train’s emergency call box to report the assault. Convinced that the passengers were pressing the button unnecessarily, the train operator warned them to quit fooling around.
At the next stop, an employee the passengers managed to flag down claimed there was nothing he could do. Only at the next station did the metro employees appear sympathetic, admitting that the train operator had handled the situation poorly.
According to an eyewitness report, Metro Transit Police officers were able to tend to the victim at the Takoma Park stop, the train itself not allowed to stop for any reason. Proper protocol dictates that train operators report the incident and await further instructions from MTP. Only, in this case, passengers were doubtful the train operator had followed procedure. Lending credence to this claim — a metro spokesman had no knowledge of the incident.
Vince Gray Attends “One City”
Mayor-elect Vince Gray attended Washington National Cathedral’s Sunday Forum on December 12. The forum took place at 10:10 a.m. in the Cathedral nave. Lasting approximately 50 minutes, the forum featured an interview with Cathedral Dean Samuel T. Lloyd III and was followed by a Q&A for those in attendance, as well as an online audience. Lloyd and Gray tackled the topic of uniting D.C., in light of Gray’s recent electoral victory.
Washington National Cathedral’s Sunday Forum series explores the convergence of faith and public life and, this year in particular, has placed emphasis on civility in the realm of public discourse. December 12’s forum, “One City,” was free and open to the public. A webcast is available at