CAG and Georgetown University to Discuss Mutual Neighborhood Solutions
By June 18, 2013 0 886
-Georgetown University must file its new campus plan with the DC Zoning Commission by December 31st 2010, outlining future infrastructure projects and development on its main campus and medical center. University administrators have already identified four guiding principles for the upcoming plan: academic quality, on-campus community life, civic engagement and sustainability.
But the Citizens Association of Georgetown (CAG) and the Burleith Citizens Associations (BCA) are working to prepare a case in opposition to the proposed plan. There has been longstanding disapproval from the surrounding neighborhoods of GU concerning campus development and the gradual encroachment of student renters upon the nearby residential community. “Georgetown University is committed to engaging with our neighbors in conversations about issues of common interest and concern,” said Jeanne Lord, GU’s associate vice president of student affairs.