Key Bridge Exxon Condo Design Admonished by Neighborhood
By June 18, 2013 0 2410
EastBanc presented its revised design for a high-end condo complex at 3601-3607 M Street (the gas station property next to the Exorcist stairs) during the April 4 meeting of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E.
Jack Davies, philanthropist, AOL International founder, co-owner of the Washington Capitals and Wizards, lives on the 3600 block of Prospect Street and spoke about the proposed condo’s height on behalf of his neighbors and himself. “The revised proposal does not address neighbors’ concerns.” The backyards of Prospect Street look out towards the C&O Canal, Key Bridge, the Potomac and beyond. “People in the pool on the roof would be a disruption,” Davies said. “This will lower property values.” Davies called for the condo height to be capped at 40 feet and four floors instead of the proposed five floors.
Georgetown architect Robert Bell, designer of the Volta Place police station condos, called the design “Marriott-hotel quality.” For such a signature site, he said, “It’s a shame that Georgetown does not have a stronger stand for historic contexts.”
As for history, the 19th-century stone wall on the 3600 block of M Street would be hidden behind the five-floor building, seen only from the narrow space at the Exorcist stairs between the Car Barn and the future condo.
EastBanc’s Mary Mottershead showed drawings of a green roof as high as the top of the wall and said that she considered the view from Prospect Street only slightly obstructed. The condo will contain 35 to 37 units.
The property is owned by DC gas station king, Joe Mamo, who also owns Parker’s Exxon on MacArthur Boulevard, Georgetown Exxon at Q Street and the Watergate Exxon. Key Bridge Exxon will close by the end of July 2012.
In a related action, the ANC approved EastBanc’s redesign for 1045 Wisconsin Avenue: condos at the C&O Canal to be built in the parking lot of the Verizon building across from Grace Church.