Georgetown Senior Center to Close
By June 18, 2013 0 787
-The Georgetown Senior Center, founded by the late Virginia Luce Allen almost 30 years ago and located in the Parish hall of St. John’s Church on O Street, will close on Nov. 24.
Allen and her seniors met for years for lunch prepared by residents or donated by local restaurants. Educational or musical programs followed the Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunches. Once a month, there was usually a field trip to a museum or historic home. The seniors, who were regularly picked up and dropped back at their homes by the center’s bus, had visited the Washington Nationals several times this year.
The future of the non-profit, maintained by Allen for many years, was in question immediately
following her death in October 2009. She was the energy and spirit of the place, many of her friends said. With declining membership and its most persuasive fundraiser gone, the center decided to close and will meet one last time for a lunch to be prepared by 1789 Restaurant.