McLean Drama Company Presents a 10-minute Play Festival in D.C.
By September 23, 2013 0 1676
•Each year, the McLean Drama Company sponsors a 10-Minute Play Contest. The first-, second- and third-place winners have their plays presented by the drama group at a selected venue. This year’s MDC 10-Minute Play Festival features national contest winners’ plays that are being performed in a staged reading at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company Melton Rehearsal Hall, 641 D St., NW. Opening night is 8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21. Sunday matinee is at 3 p.m., followed by a “talk-back” with the audience, players and playwrights. Ticket price: pay what you can.
Rachael Bail, founder and president of the McLean Drama Company, is a playwright, producer and journalist. She is a former Voice of America editor and Supreme Court correspondent, who now lives in Washington, D.C., and originally began the drama company in McLean, Va., but has moved the staged readings to Washington. Renana Fox, also of D.C., is the director, and Ely Lamonica is artistic director.
MDC’s mission is to present and inspire dramatic writing and new American plays, by playwrights from Northern Virginia, the Greater Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area and nationwide. In the past, MDC has performed at the Capital Fringe Festival and the 450 seat Alden Theatre in McLean, Va.
This year’s winning plays are: the first prize winner, “The Brazilian Dilemma” by William Fowkes, a comedy about relationships; second prize winner “Peppered Precinct,” the story of sexual harassment in a police department, by Cynthia Morrison and “Nik & Ida,” scientist Nikola Tesla against the world, by Jerome Coopersmith.
This is MDC’s first experiment with “Pay What You Can” admission.
For more information:
View our photos of the winning plays taken during rehearsal by clicking on the photo icons below.