ANC Meets Tonight: Review of Concepts for Hyde-Addison and “Exorcist Steps” Condos
By April 11, 2014 0 632
•Tonight, the Georgetown Burleith Advisory Neighborhood Commission will meet for its April meeting because of the Old Georgetown Board’s meeting on April 3.
The monthly meeting for ANC 2E begins 6:30 p.m., March 31, Heritage Room, second floor, Founders Hall (main administration building), Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW.
The following agenda was provided by ANC2E (202-724-7098 — —
• Approval of March 31, 2014, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda
• Approval of March 3, 2014, Meeting Minutes
• Public Safety and Police Report
• Financial Report
• Transportation Report
• DPW Report Community Comment
• Nike Half Marathon at the Waterfront New Business
• DC Water re: upstream fracking
• Wisconsin Ave/Whitehaven/35th Street – new traffic signal and traffic pattern
• Concerts in the Parks 2014 – Sunday, May 18, Volta Park, Sunday, June 15th, Volta Park, Sunday, July 13, Rose Park
• Nation’s Triathlon – Sunday, September 7, 2014
• 3040 O Street, NW – Temporary closing of the alley for 4 hours
• Delivery schedule for new trash cans
DDOT Public Space
• 1912 35th Street, NW, DDOT Tracking Number 92472, Application to occupy public space for the purpose of Paving: Driveway(s) Repair or Replace, Fixture: Wall/Fence Combo, Projections: Balcony, Projections: Stoop & Steps (April 7)
• 2810 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, DDOT Tracking Number 92496, Application to occupy public space for the purpose of PS Rental: Sidewalk Café (unenclosed).
(April 7)
• 1855 Wisconsin Ave, NW, ABRA License No. 75687, Safeway – hours for ABC license
Old Georgetown Board — Major and Public Projects
SMD 03, Government of the District of Columbia, Department of General Services, 3219 O Street, NW, OG 14-020 (HPA 14-024) Hyde-Addison Elementary School, Addition, Concept
SMD 05, M Street and Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Government of the District of Columbia, DC DDOT – Urban Forestry Administration, Installation of FlexiPave material on tree beds on M Street and on Wisconsin Avenue, Final
SMD 05, 3601-3607 M Street, NW, OG 14-113 (HPA 14-220) Residential, New building, Concept
1. SMD 07, 2703 P Street, NW, OG 14-126 (HPA 14-265) Residence, one-story rear addition, Concept
2. SMD 02, 3413 R Street, NW, OG 14-140 (HPA 14-280) Residence, two-story rear addition plus basement to replace porch, Concept
3. SMD 03, 1236 33rd Street, NW, OG 14-135 (HPA 14-275) Residence, Demolition of rear garage, new garage, Concept
4. SMD 03, 3422 P Street, NW, OG 14-144 (HPA 14-284) Residence, Alterations to carriage house, Concept
5. SMD 05, 3000 M Street, NW, OG 14-130 (HPA 14-270) Mixed-use, Partial demolition, addition, alterations, Concept
6. SMD 05, 3241 M Street, NW, OG 14-119 (HPA 14-233) Commercial, Awning and sign – Bandolero – existing, Permit
7. SMD 05, 3256 M Street, NW, OG 14-035 (HPA 14-057) Commercial, Rooftop antennas, Permit
8. SMD 05, 3600 M Street, NW, OG 14-120 (HPA 14-234) Office building, Demolition and reconstruction of brick walls, alterations to roof terrace, Permit
9. SMD 05, 3604 Prospect Street, NW, OG 14-139 (HPA 14-279) Residence, Alterations to rear, decks, awnings, replacement windows, Permit
10. SMD 06, 1231-1235 31st Street, NW, OG 14-137 (HPA 14-277) Alterations, Concept
11. SMD 06, 3025 M Street, NW, OG 14-129 (HPA 14-268) Commercial, Awning and signs – American Apparel – existing, Permit
No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming April 3, 2014, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, March 28, 2014.
1. SMD 02, 1660 34th Street, NW, OG 14-062 (HPA 14-104) Residence, Rear additions, demolition and reconstruction of front façade, Revised Concept
2. SMD 07, 3205 R Street, NW, OG 14-127 (HPA 14-266) Residence, Alterations to pool house, Concept
3. SMD 02, 3520 Reservoir Road, NW, OG 14 -122 (HPA 14-239) Residence, Replacement windows and door, Permit
4. SMD 02, 3223 Volta Place, NW, OG 14-118 (HPA 14-230) Residence, Alterations to rear yard, brick wall, fence, pavers for parking pad, Permit
5. SMD 03, 1512 33rd Street, NW, OG 14-136 (HPA 14-276) Residence, Replacement fence, Permit
6. SMD 03, 3403 O Street, NW, OG 14-128 (HPA 14-267) Residence, Replacement windows, alterations to rear, Permit
7. SMD 03, 3238 P Street, NW, OG 14-103 (HPA 14-206) Residence, Two- story rear addition, Concept
8. SMD 03, 3240 P Street, NW, OG 14-053 (HPA 14-077) Commercial, 2- story rear addition plus basement, Revised Concept
9. SMD 03, 3107 Dumbarton Street, NW, OG 14-058 (HPA 14-100) Residence, 2-story rear addition to replace 2-story porch, Revised Concept
10. SMD 04, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-132 (HPA 14-272) Georgetown University – Athletic Training Facility, New construction, Concept—design development
11. SMD 04, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-141 (HPA 14-281) Georgetown
University – New Science Center, ADA ramp and curb-cut
12. SMD 05, 3000 K Street, NW, OG 14-133 (HPA 14-273) Mixed-use, Wall-mounted antenna for Verizon Wireless, Concept
13. SMD 05, 3286 M Street, NW, OG 14-034 (HPA 14-051) Commercial,
Signs for parking lot, Permit
14. SMD 05, 3314 M Street, NW, OG 14-111 (HPA 14-217) Commercial,
Alterations to Cady’s Alley: green screens, lighting, speeding tables, landscaping
15. SMD 05, 3323 Cady’s Alley, NW, OG 14-121 (HPA 14-236) Commercial, Banner sign – Artist’s Proof Gallery, Permit
16. SMD 05, 1209-1211 Potomac Street, NW, OG 14-070 (HPA 14-112)
Restaurant (Georgetown Cupcake), Alteration to first floor window, 2nd floor replacement windows – existing, Permit
17. SMD 05, 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, OG 14-138 (HPA 14-278) Office building, Alterations to paving, Concept
18. SMD 05, 1045 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-131 (HPA 14-271) Residential, Alteration, Permit – revised design
19. SMD 05, 1251 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-142 (HPA 14-282) Commercial, Back-lit sign, graphics – Reebok, Permit
20. SMD 06, 1510 30th Street, NW, OG 14-134 (HPA 14-274) Residence, Site work: stairs, replacement fence, paving, Permit
21. SMD 06, 2722 P Street, NW, OG 14-124 (HPA 14-263) Residence, Replacement windows and doors, alterations to rear, shutters, Permit
22. SMD 06, 2715 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, OG 14-102 (HPA 14-205) Commercial, Signs – Valero gas station, Permit
23. SMD 07, 1601 30th Street, NW, OG 14-123 (HPA 14-262) Residence, Brick wall and gate to replace fence, Permit
24. SMD 07, 3028 Cambridge Place, NW, OG 14-100 (HPA 14-203) Residence, Replacement windows, Permit
25. SMD 08, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 14-125 (HPA 14-264) Georgetown University – Healy Hall, Restoration, Concept
Agenda as of 2 p.m., March 24, 2014.