Meet the Artists at the National Museum of Women in the Arts

NMWA Women’s Committee President Fran Usher was delighted that past president Cyd Everett arranged for four artists who are committee members to discuss their work at a special presentation at the museum on April 3, followed by a buffet luncheon on the mezzanine. Clarissa Bonde described her precise botanical works as “both a science and an art.” Korean-born abstract artist Su Kwak said she tries to paint from inner strength. Joanne Turney opined that “abstract art is purely mental” and likened art to the “making of a prayer.” Watercolorist Irene Schaffner, who paints “only in color and only in Washington,” concluded the program on a springtime note. The State Department has chosen her art as gifts to visiting dignitaries.

Captions: Irene Schaffner, Clarissa Bonde, Fran Usher (NMWA 001.jpg)

Cyd Everett, Linda White (NMWA 002.jpg)

Joanne Turney, Christine Kursch (NMWA 003.jpg)

Vibeke Lofft, Su Kwak (NMWA 004.jpg)


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