Georgetown-Burleith ANC Meets Tonight: Jackson Art Center, Cat Cafe, Domino’s Pizza Site, Dent Place Property
By March 11, 2015 0 818
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will hold its March meeting, 6:30 p.m., March 2, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place NW, in the Heritage Room on the second floor of the main building. The following is tonight’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.
Approval of the Agenda
-Approval of March 2, 2015, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda Administrative
-Approval of January 2, 2015 and February 2, 2015 Meeting Minutes
-Public Safety and Police Report
-Financial Report
-Transportation Report
-DPW Report
Community Comment
New Business
-3324 Dent Place, NW – historic significance of the property and a possible archeological survey
-Jackson Art Center building, 3050 R Street, NW – future use of the building
-Proposed decrease in bus service by WMATA on the D-1 and D-2 routes
ABC Matters
-Bulldog Tavern, 3700 O Street, NW (on the GU Campus), ABRA-096001,
application for a substantial change to its license to allow live music performance, trivia, karaoke, poetry readings, comedy and vocal performances Sunday through Saturday 8 pm – 12:30 am.
Zoning Matters
1. Crumbs & Whiskers,3211 O St., NW, BZA No. 18954- exception to comply with animal boarding requirements for a cat adoption facility and café
2. 3220 Prospect Street, NW, BZA No.18977- variance relief from loading requirements
Old Georgetown Board
1. SMD 03, 3255-3259 Prospect Street, NW, OG 15-120 (HPA 15-223), Mixed use (currently Domino’s Pizza), New construction, Concept
1. SMD 02, 1544 33rd Street, NW, OG 15-057 (HPA 15-085), Residence, One-story rear addition, Concept
(For review by the Historic Preservation Review Board)
2. SMD 03, 3252 O Street, NW, OG 15-095 (HPA 15-183), Residence, Two-story rear addition, Concept
3. SMD 03, 3301 N Street, NW, OG 15-121 (HPA 15-224), Residence, Second story and underground additions, alterations, Concept
4. SMD 03, 1513 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 14-321 (HPA 14-602), Commercial, Rooftop and 3-story rear addition, Concept – revised
5. SMD 05, 1061 31st Street, NW, OG 15-110 (HPA 15-211), Commercial, Awning and signs Canal Inn – Existing, Permit
6. SMD 05, 3205 K Street, NW, OG 15-109 (HPA 15-209), Commercial, Projecting sign Mr. Smith’s, Permit
7. SMD 05, 3251 Prospect Street, NW, OG 15-080 (HPA 15-124), Mixed-use: commercial/residential, New doors, relocation of HVAC equipment to roof, Permit
8. SMD 05, 1218 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 15-020 (HPA 15-033), Commercial, Alterations to rear fence for incinerator, Permit
9. SMD 05,1225 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 15-112 (HPA 15-215), Commercial, Replacement front windows, repointing rear and sides, Permit
10. SMD 06, 1236 28th Street, NW, OG 15-111 (HPA 15-212), Residence, Alterations to rear, replacement windows, deck, Concept
11. SMD 06, 3044 N Street, NW, OG 15-108 (HPA 15-200), Residence, Railings / planters at roof terrace above garage – Existing.
12. SMD 07, 1624 29th Street, NW, OG 15-122 (HPA 15-225, Residence, New open garage with roof terrace, Concept
No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming March 5, 2015, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, February 27, 2015.
1. SMD 02, 3244 Q Street, NW, OG 15-029 (HPA 15-042), Residence, Replacement windows, Permit
2. SMD 02, 1700 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 15-115 (HPA 15-216), Institution (Dumbarton Oaks), Exterior lighting, Permit
3. SMD 03, 3206 N Street, NW, OG 15-012 (HPA 15-025), Commercial, Addition, alterations, replacement curtain wall, stairs, signs, Concept – revised
4. SMD 04, 3700 O Street, NW, OG 15-126 (HPA 15-229), Georgetown University, Site work for new bus turnaround, Permit
5. SMD 05, 1312 31st Street, NW, OG 15-131 (HPA 15-235), Residence, Replacement security window grilles, Permit
6. SMD 05, 3000 M Street, NW, OG 15-117 (HPA 15-220), Mixed-use, Partial demolition, addition, alterations, Concept – design development
7. SMD 05, 3330 Cady’s Alley, NW, OG 15-047 (HPA 15-075), Commercial, Alterations to masonry openings, Concept – revised
8. SMD 05, 3207 Grace Street, NW, OG 15-123 (HPA 15-226), Commercial, Alterations, light fixtures, sign – Chaia Farm to Taco, Permit
9. SMD 05, 3614 Prospect Street, NW, OG 15-100 (HPA 15-188), Residence, Partial demolition, 2-story rear/ rooftop addition, alterations to front, replacement windows, Permit
10. SMD 05, 3614 Prospect Street, NW, OG 15-129 (HPA 15-232), Residence, Alterations to 32.rear terrace, decks, Concept
11. SMD 05, 1132 29th Street, NW, OG 15-052 (HPA 15-080), Commercial, Rear additions, Concept
12. SMD 06, 1319 30th Street, NW, OG 15-091 (HPA 15-179), Residence, Alterations, Permit
13. SMD 06, 1319 30th Street, NW, OG 15-119 (HPA 15-222), Residence, Replacement fence,
14. SMD 06, 2701 Dumbarton Street, NW, OG 15-118 (HPA 15-221), Residence, Rear addition, dormer, alterations, Permit
15. SMD 06, 1215 31st Street, NW, OG 15-074 (HPA 15-118), Georgetown Post Office, Alterations to entrance ramp and sign – EastBanc Technologies, Permit – revised
16. SMD 06, 2715 M Street, NW, OG 15-127 (HPA 15-230), Commercial, Alterations – options
17. SMD 07, 1502 27th Street, NW, OG 15-063 (HPA 15-103), Residence, front porch, alterations, wall and fence, Concept
18. SMD 07, 1633 31st Street, NW, OG 15-094 (HPA 15-182), Residence, Two-story rear addition, Concept
19. SMD 07, 1650 Avon Place, NW, OG 15-116 (HPA 15-218), Residential, Alterations, replacement windows and door, rooftop HVAC , Concept
20. SMD 07, 2500 Q Street, NW, OG 15-113 (HPA 15-208), Gateway Georgetown condominiums, Rooftop antennas and equipment for T-Mobile, Permit
21. SMD 08, 1229 37th Street, NW, OG 15-125 (HPA 15-228), Residence, Replacement wood siding, Permit
22. SMD 08,1239 37th Street, NW, OG 15-124 (HPA 15-227), Residence, Alterations, HVAC equipment, Permit
Government of the District of Columbia: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E — 3265 S St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20007 — 202-724-7098 — —