Halloween in Georgetown Keeps It a Little Crazy: At Least 5 Muggings
By November 9, 2015 0 1144
•As a full day of Halloween occurred Oct. 31 since it was Saturday, Georgetown more than lived to its role as Halloween central for nearby residents and visitors alike. Some moms, dads and little children were dressed up along with the young adults and teenagers. Police were out in force throughout the commercial and residential parts of the town.
While a go-go band played in the PNC parking are little too long and long lines in front of El Centro and Old Glory blocked the sidewalks, the costumed revelers kept coming. It helped that a part of M Street near Wisconsin Avenue had its sidewalk extended thanks to barricades placed on the street. Some public intoxication was evident along the sidewalk, whether it was a woman face down on the sidewalk on 31st Street near the C&O Canal or two women fighting in front of George’s King of Falafel and Cheesesteak on 28th Street.
Meanwhile, sports cars revved their engines inpatient with the unsurprising heavy traffic.
There were crimes—one involving a gun—amid the Georgetown crowds, according to MPD (sent from the Second District; PSA 201-208):
= Robbery Force and Violence at 21:51 hours in the 1200 block of 28th St NW.
= Robbery Force and Violence at 22:29 hours in the 3300 block of M Street NW.
?= Robbery Force and Violence at 23:46 hours in the 3000 block of M Street NW.
= Robbery Gun at 23:06 hours in the 1100 block of 34th Street NW. ?
= Robbery Snatch at 2301 hours in the 3100 block of M Street NW.
Before the Halloween parties got in full swing, the Second District of the Metropolitan Police Department sent this advice Oct. 31 to its email subscribers:
“Citizens, please be advised that the Second District and the rest of the city have the potential for a high volume of robberies on Halloween night. Please keep your cell phones put away and your valuables kept under your clothing or in your pockets. We want everyone that is going to come out to have a good time to enjoy themselves, but there are those that come here to take advantage of innocent victims.
“The Metropolitan Police and outside agencies are out in force tonight and your safety is our first priority and that usually involves a team effort. Our presence will be great, but robbery is usually a crime of opportunity. Don’t give them the opportunity and have a wonderful and safe night all. We look forward to seeing you and we want you to return home just as safe as you left.”?