Merage Foundation Eighth Annual National Leadership Awards

The Merage Foundation for the American Dream, dedicated to helping immigrants join mainstream America, in association with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, held its annual awards dinner at the National Press Club on June 14. Master of Ceremonies Dr. Donna Shalala, whose great grandfather emigrated from Lebanon, hailed Foundation Founder Paul Merage from Iran as “focused on a mission to give back to this country.” Director, President & CEO of the Wilson Center, former Congresswoman Jane Harman termed herself a “recovering politician” and said her late husband Sidney referred to himself as “my own invention.” Former Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, who received the National Leadership Award in Public Service, said “immigration is the secret sauce to the success of the United States.” The pride was palpable as outstanding graduating university seniors were honored as American Dream Fellows and each awarded a $20,000 stipend to pursue their careers.


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