With neighborhood concerns on traffic congestion and pedestrian safety, groundbreaking for the Wisconsin Avenue streetscape has begun. The project is expected to be completed before October 2012. The District Department of Transportation maintains that the changes will improve traffic flow and increase safety.
The $3.8 million project will place a median on Wisconsin Avenue, put up new “Martha Washington” or globe street lamps and upgrade underground electrical service as well as widen sidewalks in some spots. The construction area goes from Whitehaven Street north to Calvert Street.
The Glover Park advisory neighborhood commission told residents to contact Alberta Paul, DDOT Community Outreach Specialist, at alberta.paul@dc.gov. It also reported: “The community has identified significant concerns about the construction and the new traffic pattern diverting additional traffic onto 37th Street and about the project failing to include pedestrian safety improvements at 37th St. and Tunlaw Rd. The Mayor’s office has indicated that addressing concerns about the intersection of 37th St. and Tunlaw Rd. will be a top priority as the project moves forward.”