Innocents at RiskDecember 5, 2012

Innocents at Risk (IAR), which Deborah Sigmund founded 2005 to combat the scourge of human traf- ficking, has had singular success due in large part to international support and the vigilance of airline per- sonnel. Following a Nov. 28 performance of My Fair Lady at Arena Stage, sponsors were invited to a four course repast in the private Placido Domingo room at Caf? Milano. In her remarks Deborah hailed special guest Virna Luque, Secretary General of the Minister of Security in Panama, as ?the voice of human trafficking? in her country. She acknowledged guests who included the Reeders, who had underwritten a fact-finding trip to Panama; the Carstens Family Fund; Pamela Johnson and Wes King as well as Patricia Vojack and Michael Kentor, who traveled from Austin, Texas.


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