Street Sweeping Resumes
By March 12, 2013 0 792
Residential street sweeping resumed March 1, with posted signs to identify the days of the week and hours when parking restrictions will be enforced. There was gradual enforcement until March 11, to give drivers a few days to get used to the restrictions. Department of Public Works street sweepers cover about 4,000 lane miles monthly. “The residential street sweeping program is among our most successful operations to keep D.C. streets clean,” said DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. in a press release. “We have expanded it over the years to accommodate more and more residents willing to move their cars to allow the sweepers access to the curb lane where debris and pollutants collect. We also want to make sure commuters and visitors are aware that the parking restriction applies to all motorists and a $30 ticket can be issued for violating the restriction.”