2013 Night of Vision
By May 6, 2013 0 1610
“Building New Visions” was the theme of the Prevention of Blindness Society of Metropolitan Washington’s March 2 gala at the Four Seasons Hotel. Mayor Vincent Gray issued a proclamation naming the date “Better Vision Day.” Stacey Chan of CNN Newsource emceed. The DC Fire & Emergency Medical Service Honor Guard trooped the colors. Georgetown Cupcake received the Community Service Award and Dr. Maxwell Helfgott accepted the Professional Service award saying, “Thank you for helping the city to see.” Live auction items included the opportunity for six people to participate in “the majesty and mess” of the cupcake making process at Georgetown Cupcake. Bob Jenets Upfront provided the very danceable music.
- Dr. Mohamad Jaafar, Dr. Maxwell Helfgott and Dr. William Glew all pose as Dr. Helfgott receives the 2013 Prevention of Blindness Professional Service Award. | Neshan H. Naltchayan