Comic Lovers Dress to Character at Awesome Con D.C. (photos)
By May 9, 2013 0 2249
For too long, the District has been without a comic-con of its own. Not any more. The Washington D.C. metro area held its first of a kind comic-con on April 20 and 21 to an enthusiastic crowd at the Walter Washington Convention Center. Awesome Con D.C. promises to be an annual event, “bringing together comics and pop culture with a fun atmosphere.” Celebrity guests included Nicholas Brendon of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and Theodus Crane from “The Walking Dead.” The event boasted 50 events, panels, presentations, contests and Q&As, including “Sci-Fi Speed Dating” and costume contests.
View our photos of Awesome Con DC featuring the best of the costumes worn by attendees by clicking on the photo icons below.
- Victoria Myers as Captain America (all photos by Jeff Malet)