ANC Update: GSA Explains Sale Process; Safeway Traffic; ‘It’s Not About Macaroons’
By June 12, 2013 0 977
The Georgetown/Burleith Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC2E) met Jan. 4 at Georgetown Visitation Prep.
Tim Sheckler of the General Services Administration explained the process of the impending sale of the West Heating Plant on 29th Street, just south of the C&O Canal. Future bidders, such as those from the Levy Group and EastBanc, and a Fox5 News camera were also in the room. Designated Federal property, the plant and its land will be sold to the highest bidder, “as is, where it is,” in an online auction.
The future buyer must contend with any cleanup and the land is unzoned. GSA will simply sell the property without regard to its future use. There is no federal transfer to consider, Sheckler said, and there is no “financial angel” to pass the land to D.C. and its community for greater future control. Developers already have plans for the site, which include condos in the plant building and parkland to the south at K Street and Rock Creek. (The Levy Group, with partners that include the Fours Seasons Hotel Corporation, has a comprehensive plan for such redevelopment.
A Jan. 26 public scoping meeting is planned for the community. The property will be marketed in the spring with an approved sale expected by August.
Safeway’s Craig Muckle talked to the group about traffic concerns at its south entry on Wisconsin Avenue. The traffic light for cars leaving the store gets a left-turn green and then a right-turn green. The sequence leaves some cars waiting a little longer for their desired turns. (There is a north entry from the garage as well.) Some wondered whether an additional lane could be made for separate left and right turns onto Wisconsin Avenue; others said that would have pedestrians crossing three lanes at the sidewalk. Safeway and the District’s transportation department will discuss the three-lane exit option, at which point the ANC will comment on that decision.
Macaron Bee, coming to 1669 Wisconsin Avenue, got approval for its tri-fold window from the Old Georgetown Board with redesign requests. Shopkeepers plan to sell pricey macaroons (that’s the English spelling) to sidewalk sweets-lovers. The design is fine, but its intent is under scrutiny. That window could be used to sell almost anything and cause a noisy crowd along the sidewalk. Maurine Littleton, whose gallery is next to the new macaron shop, said she did not like the arrangement, adding, “It’s not about macaroons.”
Littleton and others said they preferred that customers go into the store to buy their cookies and coffee. But the commissioners appeared sympathetic with Macaron Bee and wants “to give the business a chance.” Without mentioning the sidewalk service window, the ANC resolution supported Macaron Bee’s re-designs.
ANC2E will meet on Jan. 30, 6:30 p.m., at Georgetown Visitation Prep on 35th St., NW. For more information visit or call 202 724 7098.