District Prepares to Start Red Top Meter Enforcement
By June 18, 2013 0 1052
With nearly 400 red top meters now installed throughout the central business district and the Federal corridors in the southwest quadrant of the District, enforcement on these special meters will begin soon.
D.C.’s Department of Transportation began installing the red top meters in January as part of a new program that is designed to improve access for persons with disabilities to businesses and services in the commercial areas of the District.
Red top meters are reserved spaces for persons with disabilities who properly display a valid placard or license plate to park. Meter parking patrons with a valid disability plate or placard will be able to park for twice the time on these meters as long as they pay the established meter rate for that block face.
Throughout February, DDOT traffic control officers will be stationed at red top meters to provide curbside parking patrons with information that identifies who is eligible to park at the meters, details about the twice the parking time policy and how to report fraudulent parking at these locations.
Additionally, during February, parking enforcement personnel from the Department of Public Works’ Parking Enforcement Administration will be issuing warning notices to those that are parked at a red top meter without displaying a valid disability placard or license plate and providing information to remind parking patrons about the requirements and enforcement that will be associated with the program.
Starting March 1, all red top meter parking patrons who do not display a valid disabled placard or license plate or who do not pay the established meter rates throughout the District of Columbia will be subject to ticketing or towing.