Barbara Walters Toast and Roast
By September 12, 2013 0 1218
The American News Women’s Club honored Barbara Walters with the “Excellence in Journalism” award at a Gala Award Luncheon at the National Press Club on June 21. ANMC President Ginny Daly noted that the club was established in the 1930s, when “strong, smart, savvy women” were not admitted to the National Press Club. Master of ceremonies Norah O’Donnell said Oprah considered Walters a role model and that Fidel Castro said she had given him his most difficult interview. Presenter Ted Koppel called her “the single best reporter that I ever competed against.” The accolades continued and in her remarks Walters said, “I hope in the not too distant future that I will be interviewing the first female president,” adding, “I have my own teeth and faith in the future.”
- Bob Schieffer of CBS News, Barbara Walters, and event emcee Norah O’Donnell of CBS News | Tim Riethmiller