Fine Arts: New Year’s Promises

2014 is a promising year for the
fine arts in Washington,
with exhibitions of
European master Edgar Degas and American
master Andrew Wyeth on the horizon, both at
the National Gallery of Art. A show of 16thcentury
Japanese tea jars at the Sackler will open
a unique window of history onto our longtime
adoration of this popular and ritualistic drink.
But while we wait for spring to usher in the first
major exhibitions of the year, there is a great deal
to keep die-hard devotees of museums and galleries
happy through the winter. Here are a few
things to see in the coming months:

**A New Era at the Textile Museum**
The new year marks an exciting chapter for
the Textile Museum, which begins its move to a
new museum space on the George Washington
University campus. Though the old S Street location
is no longer open for regular visiting hours,
as the nearly 20,000-piece collection is being
made travel-ready, programs will continue to be
offered at multiple venues during the transition.
One upcoming event is a curator-led tour of
“Workt by Hand: Hidden Labor and Historical
Quilts” at the National Museum of Women in
the Arts on Friday, Jan. 24. Quilts have long
been burdened by conflicting interpretations
– revered as nostalgic emblems of the past,
dismissed as women’s work, yet hailed as examples
of American ingenuity. This exhibition,
which showcases 35 18th- through 20th-century
quilts from the Brooklyn Museum, examines
quilts through the lens of contemporary feminist
theory, revealing the medium’s shifting cultural
status. Tickets are $20 for members, $25
for nonmembers. To register, call 202-667-0441,
ext. 64.

The first in a series of free Rug and Textile
Appreciation Mornings begins on Saturday, Jan.
25. History professor Katrin Schultheiss will
discuss the complexity of gender roles in textile
production in the 19th century, when certain fabrics
were deemed worthy of male craftsmanship
and others were regarded as “simple” enough
for women to produce. Reservations are not

**New Editions at Adamson Gallery**
Opening with a public reception on Saturday,
Jan. 18, 6-8 p.m., Adamson Gallery will show
new editions of master photographic prints from
a number of internationally acclaimed artists,
including Marc Babej, Chuck Close, Roberto
Longo and Gary Simmons. Close’s portrait series
of Brad Pitt, for example, shows the iconic actor
in a new and uncomfortably close perspective,
exposing every nook, cranny, wrinkle and
pockmark on his face. The result is a fascinating
examination of the nature of exposure,
privacy and identity, particularly for those who
live their lives in the public eye. The exhibition
runs through Mar. 29, by appointment. For more
information, call 202-232-0707 or email [Info@](

**The Shenandoah Comes to Susan
Calloway Fine Arts**
Painter Ed Cooper reflects the subtleties
of early morning and late afternoon light and
color in his plein-air landscapes, capturing the
interplay of sun and shade on trees, water and
grass. With an opening reception on Friday, Jan.
17, 6-8 p.m., “Ed Cooper: New Landscapes,”
on view at Susan Calloway Fine Arts through
Feb. 15, explores the regional Shenandoah
and Chesapeake landscapes through the tip of
Cooper’s reliably breathtaking paintbrush. A
wanderer, Cooper carries as constant companions
a pochade box for quick oil sketches and
an easel for more elaborate paintings. “While
wandering I am constantly looking for scenes
or objects that evoke an emotional response in
me – something I just have to paint,” he says. For
more information, visit [](

**Goodbye to Heiner Contemporary**
After three prolific years in Georgetown,
Heiner Contemporary has moved to Farmington,
Conn. While there will be no brick-and-mortar
space for some time, the gallery will maintain
an active online presence and continue to
offer comprehensive art advisory services. In
Connecticut, Heiner Contemporary will showcase
work through pop-up exhibitions, participation
in art fairs and via Over the past
few years, Heiner has brought an unforgettable
body of contemporary artwork to Washington,
and given Georgetown’s Book Hill neighborhood
a vibrant shot of life. We wish them prosperity
and success in all future endeavors.


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