Car Break-Ins Near Rose Park

The Metropolitan Police’s Lt. John Knutsen, who oversees Georgetown, reported Sept. 22 on how police are addressing car break-ins on the east side of Georgetown: “Starting tonight we will be deploying a mobile lighting system in the Rose Park area, which will be manned by a police officer. While it may not be there every night, I hope to have it as continuously as possible. If anyone has suggestions as to where it would be most effectively placed, please let me know. I don’t want to shine the lights through anyone’s windows… I think providing some light in the park would help with safety concerns and deter theft from autos.”

• Arrest at 2:43 a.m., Sept. 20, on Prospect Street for Simple Assault. There also was an arrest at almost the same time/date for Destruction of Property on Thomas Jefferson Street. (Crimes were not necessarily committed at the locations.)

• Burglary on Potomac Street, Sept. 20 between 2:20 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Entry was via an unlocked door, and property was stolen from the residence.

• Because of playground renovation, the Rose Park pathway lights have been disconnected and as a result it is rather dark there at night. There was another car break-in last week on Dumbarton Street at Rose Park.

• Neighbors are advised to walk cautiously and vigilantly through Rose Park at night, to remember to lock house doors and windows. As for cars, keep as much hidden in vehicles as possible. This includes power or charging cables, which might indicate electronic devices, such as phones, tablets or GPS gear, in the glove compartment or under the seat.

Compiled from information provided by the Citizens Association of Georgetown


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