Georgetown-Burleith ANC Meets Tonight: Penn. Ave. Bridge Update; Alexander Baptist Church Condos
By February 5, 2015 0 793
•Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E will hold its February meeting, 6:30 p.m., Feb. 2, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW, in the Little Odeon Room on the third floor of the main building. The following is tonight’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.
Approval of the Agenda
• Approval of February 2, 2015, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda Administrative
• Approval of January 5, 2015, Meeting Minutes
• Public Safety and Police Report
• Transportation Report – DDOT update on construction planned for the Pennsylvania Avenue bridge over Rock Creek
• Financial Report
Community Comment
New Business
• 2015 Marine Corps Marathon
Old Georgetown Board
Private Projects
1. SMD 02, 3324 Dent Place, NW, OG 15-032 (HPA 13-236), Residence, new construction, Concept
2. SMD 02, 1544 33rd Street, NW, OG 15-057 (HPA 15-085), Residence, One-story rear addition, alterations, Concept (for the Historic Preservation Review Board)
3. SMD 05, 3150 M Street, NW, OG 15-092 (HPA 15-180), Commercial, Alterations, interior demolition, roof deck and HVAC)
4. SMD 06, 2709-2715 N Street, NW, OG 15-086, 15-176, 15-098, 15-097 (HPA 15-174, 15-176, 15-186, 15-185), Alexander Memorial Baptist Church, Additions and alterations, Permit
5. SMD 07, 1609 31st St, NW, OG 15-101, (HPA 15-198), Residence, Alterations, roof, dormer, windows, door, stair, brickwork, Concept
No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming February 5, 2015, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a solution on them at this time.
1. SMD 02, 3240 Q Street, NW, OG 15-104 (HPA 15-192), Residence, 2- story rear addition with basement – alternate material, Permit
2. SMD 02, 3203 R Street, NW, OG 15-099 (HPA 15-187), Residence, Remove pergola at rear, site work, Permit
3. SMD 02, 3252 S Street, NW, OG 15-105, 15-079) (HPA 15-193, 15-123), Residence, site alterations, rear addition of dormer, Permit and revised concept
4. SMD 02, 3408 Reservoir Road, NW, OG 15-087 (HPA 15-175) Residence, New window opening (for the Historic Preservation Review Board)
5. SMD 03, 3219 O Street, NW, Hyde-Addison Elementary School, Alterations for skylight and rooftop mechanical louvers at Hyde School
6. SMD 03, 1312 31st Street, NW, OOG 15-103 (HPA 15-191), Residence, Replacement security window grilles, Permit
7. SMD 03, 3206 N Street, NW, OG 15-012 (HPA 15-025), Commercial, Additional, alterations, replacement curtain wall, stairs, signs, Concept – revised
8. SMD 03, 1357 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 15-093 (HPA 15-181), 1357 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Commercial, Two-story rooftop addition, one- story rear addition, Permit
9. SMD 03, 1519 35th Street, NW, OG 15-102 (HPA 15-190), Residence, Garden wall, Permit
10. SMD 03, 1525 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 15-096 (HPA 15-184), Commercial, Alterations, canopy, signs – Via Umbria, Permit
11. SMD 03, 1236 33rd Street, NW, OG 15-041 (HPA 15-157), Residence, Alterations to garage door, replacement fence, Concept
12. SMD 03, 1411 33rd Street, NW, OG 14-370 (HPA 15-177), Residence, Replacement windows, Permit
13. SMD 05, C&O Canal at 34th Street, NW, New dock, Permit 14. SMD 05, 1312 31st Street, NW, OG 15-103 (HPA 15-191), Residence,
Replacement security window grilles, Permit
15. SMD 05, 1028 33rd Street, NW, OG 15-041 (HPA 15-157), Commercial, Sign – Thomas Moser, Permit – revised
16. SMD 05, 3256 M Street, NW, OG 15-084 (HPA 15-144), Commercial, Rooftop antennas for Verizon Wireless, Permit
17. SMD 05, 3336 M Street, NW, OG 15-043 (HPA 15-071), Commercial, Sign, banner on alley – Rent the Runway, Permit – revised
18. SMD 05, 3614 Prospect Street, NW, OG 15-100 (HPA 15-188), Residence, Partial demolition, 2-story rear/rooftop addition, alterations to front, replacement windows
19. SMD 05, 1065 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, OG 14-346 (HPA 14- 679), Residence, Additions and alterations, Concept – revised
20. SMD 05, 1238 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, OG 15-082 (HPA 15-141), Commercial, Mechanical equipment mounted to rear façade, Concept
21. SMD 06, 1334 29th Street, NW, OG 15-107 (HPA 15-195, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Roof vents and ductwork, Permit
22. SMD 06, 1521 29th Street, NW, OG 15-090 (HPA 15-178), Residence, Expansion of rear terrace at lower level, Permit – revised
23. SMD 06, 1319 30th Street, NW, OG 15-091 (HPA 15-179, Residence, Alterations, Permit
24. SMD 06, 2804 N Street, NW, OG-15-083 (HPA 15-142), Residence, Addition of exterior elevator, Permit
25. SMD 06, 2924 N Street, NW, OG 15-085 (HPA 15-145), Residence, Replacement siding, fence, alterations to rear, roof top equipment and solar panels, Permit
26. SMD 06, 3023 P Street, NW, OG 15-106 (HPA 15-025), Residence, Demolition, 2-story plus basement rear addition, paving, Permit
27. SMD 07, 1633 31st Street, NW, OG 15-094 (HPA 15-182), Residence,
Two-story rear addition, Concept
28. SMD 07, 1502 27th Street, NW, OG 15-063 (HPA 15-103), Residence, Front porch, alterations, wall and fence, Concept
Government of the District of Columbia: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E — 3265 S St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20007 — 202-724-7098 — —