Georgetown Cat Café Kickstarted
By March 26, 2015 0 1379
Kanchan Singh is looking to open the District’s first cat café, in Georgetown of all places. Singh launched a Kickstarter campaign for the café, called Crumbs and Whiskers, on March 8. By March 9, the page had exceeded its $15,000 goal, with backers and pledges continuing to roll in.
Singh is very excited about the success of the campaign.
“It’s actually blowing my mind,” she said. “This is the best Monday of my life.”
If you pledge $10 or more to their Kickstarter, Crumbs and Whiskers will write your ex’s of (or an other hated being in your life) the name in permanent marker on a litter box. Rewards are based on the amount of money you pledge. Items include post cards, T-shirts, the privilege of naming a cat and a private party.
Writing the name of donor’s ex on a litter box has been the most popular item.
After Zoning and Department of Health qualification requirements are met, campaign supporters will be notified of when to expect their rewards.
Any pledges made will not be charged to the donor’s card if the business is denied zoning approved.
The business in the process of signing a lease with plans to open this summer.
All cats at the café will be available for adoption through the Washington Humane Society. Food, meanwhile, will be prepared off-site and delivered to café. Guests will be expected to make reservations and pay an hourly cover charge.