Freddie Gray Rally

On April 29, DC Ferguson led a rally for Freddie Gray, the unarmed black man who died after his spine was severed while in police custody in Baltimore.

The march began on the corner of H and 7th Streets NW around 7 p.m. Protestors gathered around the Friendship Archway and the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro entrance, where they listened to Bridzette Lane speak. Lane is the mother of Rafael Briscoe, an 18-year-old who was shot and killed by Metropolitan Police Department officers in April 2011.

The group, which grew to about 500 people, continued on to the John A. Wilson District Building, chanting “No justice. No peace. No more racist police.”

Other mantras were “Black lives matter. All lives matter” and “All night, all day, I will fight for Freddie Gray.” The march caused several street closures throughout the city. D.C. police were along the marchers’ route, ending at the White House, from start to finish. The peaceful protest was allowed to go on without interruption.

Protests took place all around the country on Wednesday night to show solidarity with Baltimore, including New York City, Boston, Houston, Albuquerque and Indianapolis. Several demonstrators in New York City were arrested.

Thirty-four D.C. police officers were deployed to Baltimore to provide assistance during the protests and rioting that began on April 27 after Gray’s funeral. D.C. protestors demanded the recall of these officers.

A city-wide curfew has been lifted in Baltimore and the National Guard is developing a plan to withdraw from the city as of May 1.


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