Number One Dog Tag Employee Hails from Marine Corps Family
By July 16, 2015 0 939
There are 18 staffers and 11 fellows — 31 in total. The non-profit bakery, which opened at 3206 Grace St. NW in late 2014, receives no funding from the government but does work with federal agencies that provide resources for service members and families.
Co-founders Rev. Richard Curry, S.J., of Georgetown University, and Constance Milstein, of New York City, Washington, D.C. and Georgetown, began their labor of love eight years ago.
For Dog Tag’s very first employee, Chief Operating Officer Meghan Ogilvie, who worked in finance in New York, her meeting with Curry recounted a similar tale experienced by many involved with the non-profit bakery.
“My college roommate called me one day and told me about a family friend, Father Richard Curry, who was looking to start a nonprofit for veterans,” Ogilvie recalled. “She knew I’d be interested as I’m from a Marine Corps family, with my father who served 26 years and my sister who served for eight.” Ogilvie sent her resume but got no response. Her friend was getting married, Ogilvie was a bridesmaid — and the officiant at her wedding was none other than Curry. “I found him at the rehearsal dinner and began my pitch — by the end of the weekend I had a job offer.” She started April 2012.
For Ogilvie, Dog Tag Bakery means opportunity and empowerment. “One percent of the country voluntarily signed up to protect the other 99 percent. Our organization provides quality opportunities for our veterans and spouses to take advantage of and empower their lives moving forward. It’s on the fellows to take charge of their lives, and we are here to be a support for the transition into the civilian workforce,” she said.
Are there other Dog Tag Bakeries to come? “Once we perfect the program at our Georgetown location, we look forward to opening up in cities across the country,” Ogilvie said.
Job applicants can visit Customers can go to the bakery, or visit