ANC Tonight: DC Water, G.U. Hospital Plans; Salute to Tudor Place’s Leslie Buhler
By November 5, 2015 0 1238
The Georgetown-Burleith-Hillandale Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC 2E) will hold its November meeting, 6:30 p.m., Nov. 2, at Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, 35th Street and Volta Place, NW, Heritage Room, main building, second floor. The following is Monday’s meeting agenda, as provided by ANC 2E.
Approval of the Agenda
• Approval of November 2, 2015, ANC 2E Public Meeting Agenda
• Approval of September 28, 2015 Meeting Minutes
• Public Safety and Police Report
• Financial Report –Approval of FY 2016 ANC 2E Budget
• Transportation Report
• Consideration of a request to the Old Georgetown Board/Commission of Fine Arts that the OGB not hold a meeting in early January
Community Commendation
• Community Commendation for Leslie Buhler
Community Comment
• Impacts of DC Water Green Infrastructure plans
New Business
• Valet parking application for Paolo’s restaurant
• Medstar Georgetown University Hospital application for a Certificate of Need for a major addition to the hospital
• Via Umbria, ABRA-100436,1525 Wisconsin Avenue NW — possible settlement agreement
• Kouzina Authentic Greek Restaurant, ABRA0099818, 3235 Prospect St (Class C license, includes 50 outdoor seats)
• Starbucks Coffee.ABRA-100546, 1810 Wisconsin Ave. NW (wine & beer license application, includes outdoor roof deck with 33 seats)
• ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen, ABRA-100547, 2805 M Street NW (new Class D license)
The following ABC items have been placed on No Review by ANC 2E at this time and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, October 30, 2015:
• Dean & Deluca, ABRA-093723, 3267 M Street NW, Class D restaurant license (with entertainment endorsement and 50 outdoor seats)
Old Georgetown Board
Major and Public Projects:
1. SMD 01 OG 15-342 (HPA 15-619) 3800 Reservoir Road, NW Medstar Georgetown University Hospital Information presentation
New addition to the hospital and site work
Private Projects
1. SMD 02 OG 16-011 (HPA 15-045) 3324 Dent Place, NW
New construction
Contact: K C Price –; ; John Casey –
2. SMD 05 OG 16-004 (HPA 16-010) 3000 K Street, NW
Terrace enclosure at FFB
Contact: Joe Spinelli –
3. SMD 05 OG 16-007 (HPA 16-013) 3403 M Street, NW
Replacement windows
Contact: Eric Dagadu –
4. SMD 05 OG 16-013 (HPA 16-021) 3121 N Street, NW
Reconstruct front porch
Contact: Robert Hetem –
5. SMD 05 OG 15-317 (HPA 15-567)
1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW
Addition/alterations – Foundry
Contact: Kevin North –; John Nahra –; Buji Tallapragada –
6. SMD 06 OG 16-026 (HPA 16-034) 1312 31st Street, NW
Brick garden wall
Contact: Christian Zapatka –
7. SMD 06 OG 15-240 (HPA 15-450) 3029 M Street, NW
Commercial Permit
Replacement windows, sign – Moleskine
Contact: Gideon Sorkin –; Allison Evans –
8. SMD 06 OG 15-348 (HPA 15-262) 3061 M Street, NW
Storefront alterations
Contact: Douglas Foster –; Nicholas Tricarico –
9. SMD 06 OG 15-269 (HPA 15-486) 2815 Dumbarton Street, NW
Alterations, replacement roof, site work
Contact: Carmel Greer –; Ashley Adams –
10. SMD 07 OG 16-024 (HPA 16-032) 3029 Q Street, NW
Demolition and new garage
Contact: Anthony Barnes –
11. SMD 07 OG 15-341 (HPA 16-032) 3035 Q Street, NW, #5
Rooftop addition and deck (HPA 15-618)
Contact: Andrew Baldwin –
12. SMD 07 OG 16-003 (HPA 16-009) 3029 Dent Place, NW
Rear addition
Contact: Bernard Guay –
No Review At This Time by ANC 2E: The following additional projects, which are on the upcoming November 5, 2015, agenda of the Old Georgetown Board, have not been added to the ANC meeting agenda for OGB-related design review and we do not propose to adopt a resolution on them at this time. If there are concerns about any of these projects, please contact the ANC office by Friday, October 30, 2015.
1. SMD 02 OG 16-009 (HPA 16-015) 1703 32nd Street, NW
Institution Permit
Alterations – pool and pool house
2. SMD 02 OG 16-002 (HPA 16-008) 3215 Volta Place, NW Residence Permit
Gas light
3. SMD 02 OG 16-001 (HPA 16-001) 3223 Volta Place, NW Residence Alterations
4. SMD 03 OG 15-275 (HPA 15-519) 3252 N Street, NW Residence Permit
Replacement gate
5. SMD 03 OG 15-285 (HPA 15-531) 3301 N Street, NW Residence Permit
Rear addition, alterations – Existing alterations without review
6. SMD 03 OG 16-017 (HPA 15-448) 3331 N Street, NW Residence Additions and alterations
7. SMD 03 OG 14-352 (HPA 14-077) 3240 P Street, NW Commercial Revised permit review
Three-story rear addition with basement
8. SMD 03 OG 15-230 (HPA 15-440) 3249 P Street, NW Residence Permit
Alterations to rear
9. SMD 03 OG 16-020 (HPA 15-276) 3107 Dumbarton Street, NW Residence Concept
Raise roof, rear addition, replacement windows – Existing alterations without review
10. SMD 03 OG 16-021 (HPA 16-029) 3107 Dumbarton Street, NW Residence Permit
Removal of DEFS – Existing alterations without review
11. SMD 03 OG 15-304 (HPA 15-552) 1422 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Commercial Concept
Rear addition, alterations, sign – Boulangerie Christophe
12. SMD 03 OG 16-016 (HPA 15-527) 1254 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Mixed-use (Square 1218, Lot 814)
Concept Alterations
13. SMD 05 OG 16-012 (HPA 16-020) 2920 M Street, NW Commercial Permit
Signage – Postmodern Foods
14. SMD 05 OG 16-022 (HPA 15-546) 3104 M Street, NW Commercial Permit
Alteration – fire connection
15. SMD 05 OG 16-014 (HPA 16-022) 3509 M Street, NW Residence Permit
Replacement windows
16. SMD 05 OG 16-029 (HPA 16-037) 3210 Grace Street, NW Mixed-use Permit
Blade signs
17. SMD 05 OG 15-347 (HPA 15-625) 3225 Grace Street, NW, #207 Multi-family residence Permit
Replacement door
18. SMD 05 OG 16-023 (HPA 16-031) 1000 Potomac Street, NW Office building Permit
Alterations at entrance
19. SMD 05 OG 16-015 (HPA 15-528) 1042 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Commercial Concept
Alterations to rear – Existing alterations without review
20. SMD 06 OG 16-025 (HPA 15-615) 1213 28th Street, NW Residence Concept
Rear alterations, pergola
21. SMD 06 OG 15-349 (HPA 15-398) 1250 28th Street, NW Residence Concept
Porch replacement, new front stair
22. SMD 06 OG 16-008 (HPA 15-542) 1228 29th Street, NW Residence Concept
Brick wall, site work
23. SMD 06 OG 15-345 (HPA 15-622) 1340 29th St., NW
Residence Permit Solar panels
24. SMD 06 OG 16-010 (HPA 15-536)
1241 30th Street, NW Residence
Permit Replacement roof
25. SMD 06 OG 15-260 (HPA 15-471) 2905 N Street, NW Residence Concept
New parking pad, alterations, site work
26. SMD 06 OG 16-018 (HPA 15-471) 2905 N Street, NW Residence Concept
New parking pad, alterations, site work
27. SMD 06 OG 15-343 (HPA 15-620) 3015 P Street, NW Residence Concept
Rear addition and dormer
28. SMD 06 OG 16-031 (HPA 16-039) 3043 P Street, NW Residence Permit
Parking pad
29. SMD 06 OG 16-019 (HPA 15-616) 3045 P Street, NW Residence Concept
Replacement windows, garage door, shutters – Existing alterations without review
30. SMD 06 OG 15-269 (HPA 15-486) 2815 Dumbarton Street, NW Residence Concept
Alterations, replacement roof, site work
31. SMD 06 OG 16-030 (HPA 15-481) 2712 Poplar Street, NW Residence Permit
Replacement fence – Existing alteration without review
32. SMD 07 OG 15-346 (HPA 15-103) 1502 27th Street, NW Residence Concept
Front porch, site alterations
33. SMD 07 OG 15-344 (HPA 15-320) 1617 29th Street, NW Residence Concept
34. SMD 07 OG 16-027 (HPA 15-189) 1609 31st Street, NW Residence Concept
Alteration, addition, site work
35. SMD 07 OG 15-307 (HPA 15-556) 3058 R Street, NW Residence Concept
Side addition, alterations
36. SMD 07 OG 16-028 (HPA 15-193) 3252 S Street, NW Residence Permit
Site alterations
37. SMD 07 OG 15-321(HPA 15-596) 3001 Dent Place, NW Residence Permit
Rebuild retaining wall and fence on public space
38. SMD 08 OG 15-330 (HPA 15-606) 1221 36th Street, NW Institution Concept
Addition/alterations – de la Cruz Gallery of Art
39. SMD 08 OG 16-005 (HPA 15-458) 3700 O Street, NW Georgetown University Concept
Guard booth 2nd-10/26/15
Government of the District of Columbia: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E
3265 S St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20007