Key Bridge Exxon Robbed at Gunpoint Nov. 21
By November 30, 2015 0 764
The Key Bridge Exxon gas station at 3607 M St. NW was held at gunpoint around 11:30 PM on Saturday, Nov. 21, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. No one was injured, and the suspected has not been captured.
The cashier of the Exxon said that a five-eleven-feet black male, according to one police source, “wearing all black clothes with a hoodie up over his head, entered the establishment and walked around to the cashier booth while brandishing a silver handgun demanding money.” The suspect opened the cash register drawer and grabbed an undisclosed amount of money—and left some on the floor of the gas station mini-mart, as he made his get-away.
MPD reported the second-degree robbery just after midnight, Nov. 22, as responding police cars lined M Street towards Key Bridge.
Immediately west of the Exorcist Steps, the gas station and its property is slated to become a condominium complex by Eastbanc Development.
Also involved in the investigation was the Georgetown University Department of Public Safety, which issued a crime alert around 1 a.m., Nov. 22, to students and others at the university’s nearby main campus that they stay away from the crime scene at 36th and M Streets. It issued an all-clear after 2 a.m.
The suspect was last seen headed westbound on M Street NW, where it becomes Canal Road NW.