‘Justice for Trayvon’ Rally Held in D.C. (photos)
By April 11, 2016 0 1618
A week ago, a jury found George Zimmerman not guilty in the death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla. In response, the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network organized “Justice for Trayvon” rallies and vigils outside federal buildings in more than 100 locations across the country July 20. The demonstrations came a day after President Barack Obama publicly identified with the slain 17-year-old and the deep frustrations felt among African-Americans over the verdict. One of these rallies took place outside the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse on Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C. The shooting death of Trayvon Martin has led to serious debates about race and the fairness of the justice system. Many question the wisdom of the so-called “Stand Your Ground” laws enacted in Florida and several other states and call for further Justice Department review of the case.
View our photos from the local rally by clicking on the photo icons below.
- Meleice White (DC) | Jeff Malet