Most Ticketed Block in D.C.? It’s Right Here
By September 19, 2016 0 1044
•C., is right here in Georgetown, according to an analysis by Park Van Ness. Thomas Jefferson Street NW amassed a total of 345 tickets during the month of March alone (roughly 11 tickets a day), making it the most ticketed location in the District. The street runs from K to M between 30th and 31st Streets on the east side of Georgetown. Nearby points of interest include the C&O Canal, the Baked & Wired coffee shop and the Graham Hotel.
Staff from Park Van Ness, an apartment complex off Connecticut Avenue NW, examined March 2016 data pulled from D.C.’s Open Data website, which lists parking violations throughout the city. Park Van Ness found that the most frequently ticketed time is just after 4 p.m. (4:02 p.m., to be exact), a not surprising fact due to the restriction on parking after 4 p.m. All the top-10 most-frequent-ticketing times were between 4:01 and 4:10 p.m.
Park Van Ness also found that the most commonly ticketed driver hailed from Maryland. D.C. drivers were second, with Virginia drivers, Pennsylvania drivers and New Jersey drivers, in that order, trailing behind. Drivers were ticketed most frequently for an expired meter, a total of 17,461 recorded violations. The second-highest total was for failure to display a multispace meter receipt, coming in at 15,230.