Indecision Persists on Hyde-Addison Swing Space

If what Council member Jack Evans told the Georgetown Metropolitan is true, Hyde-Addison students will be bussed halfway across the city to the Meyer School for the next two years while a gymnasium is built, stealing at least an hour of instructional time. Evans said that senior D.C. Public Schools officials informed him the Meyer School choice was final.

Putting pressure on local representatives, groups from Burleith, Hillandale and Georgetown University effectively struck down an earlier plan to build temporary classrooms on the Duke Ellington field.

Another viable local option for swing space is the Hardy School, where space will be freed up as DCPS ends the Fillmore Arts program there.

Upon learning of Council member Evans’s assertion, Deputy Mayor for Education Jennifer Niles — who many believe has the final say on the swing-space location — released a statement saying that a decision has yet to be made. In response, Evans sent a strongly worded recommendation to Niles that DCPS use the Hardy School for the swing space. Niles may be contacted at to provide additional input on the matter.


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