Helen Hayes Applauds Ted van Griethuysen
By May 24, 2017 0 526
•The 33rd annual Helen Hayes Awards were presented at the Lincoln Theatre May 15 with E. Faye Butler and Lawrence Redmond hosting. The awards are divided into “Hayes” and “Helen” categories, depending on the number of Equity members in a production. TheatreWashington President & CEO Amy Austin said, “Thank you for making art for a world that demands it.” The evening was highlighted by the presence of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who presented the prestigious Helen Hayes Tribute to Ted van Griethuysen, starring in “Father” at Studio Theatre. “Washington is where I came of age as an actor,” said van Griethuysen, who added, “The theater is an art form, not a competition.” The after-party was at the 9:30 Club.
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg introducing Ted van Griethuysen Photo by Shannon Finney Photography courtesy of Helen Hayes Awards
- Ted van Griethuysen accepting the 2017 Helen Hayes Tribute Photo by Shannon Finney Photography courtesy of Helen Hayes Awards
- Helen Hayes Awards co-host . Faye ButlerPhoto by Shannon Finney Photography courtesy of Helen Hayes Awards