Scoping the C&O Canal: Park Service Gets Input, Wants More
By June 21, 2017 0 395
•A public scoping meeting on the rehabilitation of the C&O Canal National Historical Park was held June 14 in a vacant space in the Georgetown Park retail complex. The canal’s operator, the National Park Service, is seeking comments on existing conditions, historic properties and a range of issues in order to prepare what it is calling the Georgetown Plan.
The Park Service’s Kevin Brandt, and representatives of the nonprofit Georgetown Heritage, welcomed the crowd. With air conditioning at a minimum, the turnout by stakeholders and Georgetown “influentials” was impressive. The group clustered around tables, looking at maps and writing down opinions and observations.
Landscape architect James Corner of the design team hired to reinterpret the towpath and other areas around the canal spoke about preservation, uses and themes. He invited comments from “historic buffs and hipsters,” asking: “Which point of the canal’s history do we emphasize?” Ideas abounded from the earnest group.
Additional comments on the canal may be submitted to NPS at Mail written comments to C&O Canal National Historical Park Headquarters, 1850 Dual Highway, Suite 100, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Mailed comments must be received by July 7. The next “consulting parties meeting” will be in the fall.