Helios Laser Center Shines

Helios Laser Center, a brand-new, state-of-the-art practice, has opened at 4900 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 320, in Friendship Heights. The center is owned and operated by Suzy French, a nurse practitioner experienced with many different types of lasers.

Helios offers Universal Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments, ResurFX for superficial scarring and Nd:YAG for hair removal, as well as for treatment of larger or deeper spider veins. French is an expert in Botox and fillers, as well as in three different types of skin peels.

In addition, Helios provides care and treatment of rosacea using proper medications, skin care and IPL.

Each month, Helios offers a discount on a different treatment. For details, and to schedule an appointment, call 202-450-2230 or book online at helioslasercenter.com.

The Georgetowner recently conducted a Q&A with Suzy French to learn more about her and her practice.

Where are you from?

Suzy French: I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, catching lots of sun.

Where did you go to college and what did you study?

SF: I graduated from Arizona State University with my BSN [Bachelor of Science in Nursing]. I received my master’s degree from University of Maryland, Baltimore, as an Adult Nurse Practitioner.

How long have you been operating lasers and what sparked your interest?

SF: I have operated lasers since 2009 because I was interested in the process of skin rejuvenation, and found that rejuvenating people’s skin and removing their hair was rewarding for me. The longer I do it, the more interested I am in all the new laser technology and what lasers can do for people both medically and cosmetically.

What led you to starting your own business?

SF: I decided to start my own business because I wanted to work for myself, not anyone else, and wanted to do things my way.

What is most rewarding about your profession?

SF: Multiple numbers of my patients have told me they prefer going to a nurse practitioner for their laser treatments because of the medical knowledge and skills that they have. I don’t just push buttons on the laser, but have knowledge about what the settings specifically do. I keep myself updated, and I also am a member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery, where I go to conferences and keep up with their professional journal.

What is special about going to a nurse practitioner for treatments?

SF: I perform laser hair reduction, a permanent reduction in the amount of hair people have. The results hold up with periodic touch-ups — from a few times a year for facial hair to annually for the rest of the body.

What are some specific treatments you do and how long do they typically last?

SF: I do IPL — Intense Pulsed Light treatments — for rosacea, sun damage and spider veins. Results for sun damage last as long as you protect yourself from the sun. Rosacea and spider vein treatments require maintenance annually or biannually after an initial series. I also do ResurFX, an annual way to build collagen, decrease pores, diminish lines and wrinkles; Botox, which lasts for three to six months; and filler which lasts for one to two years.



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