Winter Show Is Elegant Start to New Year
By January 25, 2019 0 957
“Elegant Entertaining” was the theme of this year’s Washington Winter Show, now firmly ensconced in American University’s Katzen Arts Center. The loan exhibition—“The Pleasure of Your Company: Elegant Entertaining with George and Martha Washington”—was presented by George Washington’s Mount Vernon. The Jan. 10 preview night allowed guests an exclusive first look into the collection of more than 40 exhibitors, plus an open bar and passed hors d’oeuvres by Susan Gage Catering. The following day’s lecture and luncheon featured witty event planner Bronson van Wyck, who started his career at the top with Pamela Harriman and has not stopped since. He has a book coming out this fall. The multi day event benefits the Founders Board of St. John’s Community Services, the Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys and THEARC (Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus).

Michelle Korsmo and friends. Courtesy Washington Winter Show

Guestswere entertained by George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Courtesy Washington Winter Show.